首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Transport History >Bread upon the Waters. The St Petersburg Grain Trade and the Russian Economy, 1703-1811

Bread upon the Waters. The St Petersburg Grain Trade and the Russian Economy, 1703-1811


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Specialists and generalists alike should be delighted with the appearance of the fine flowing monograph under review, which explains the connections between state policies and how St Petersburg fed itself in its initial century of existence. Professor Jones argues that Peter the Great's founding of this city, envisioned as Russia's chief seaport as well as capital, while its location lay far from adequately productive soil, constituted not only the major break with the Muscovite past which dominates our understanding of Russian history, but also a provisioning challenge which the state met head-on and thereby acquitted itself quite well. For sure some state projects, once started, such as the Don-Volga and Don-Oka canals, had to be abandoned due to more pressing needs. Yet others, such as the Vyshnii Volochek system, which Peter I had on his mind even before he captured Swedish Nyenskans at the mouth of the Neva in 1703, proved absolutely essential for feeding St Petersburg. State authorities understood well the need for such provisioning, as they set specific transit points such as hitherto insignificant Gzhatsk; repaired, improved, and extended the networks of canals and portages, established markets and granaries; calculated the population's need for grain in relation to predicted supplies; limited or forbade exports in times of shortages; and even forbade owners of skilled and valued serf-pilots to send them off as military recruits to meet their communities' quotas. Among the most interesting of the policies of this state, in which about half of the population were serfs, military conscription was for twenty-five years and represented civil death relative to the recruit's village, and the authorities did not shrink from massive labor conscription whenever deemed desirable, was the reliance on free enterprise and markets for this provisioning and transport. Here, the state's role was one of facilitating and regulating, but not treating the actual production, wholesaling, conveying, or retailing as state enterprises. Rather, from Bread upon the Waters a picture emerges of a society, which, despite serfdom, was replete with homines rationales, calculating when, where and in what domain to work and how to maximize profits. This could take the form of St Petersburg's military authorities' purchasing bulk grain futures at favorable prices; a landed magnate's extending credit to thousands of serfs and skirting restrictive laws so that some of them could engage in the grain commerce in St Petersburg; or the reckoning of a more modest trader from around Moscow that a normally slower land route to bypass a temporary canal bottleneck would ultimately yield higher profits.
机译:专家和通才人士都应该对正在审阅的精美专着的出现感到高兴,该专着解释了国家政策与圣彼得堡在其存在的最初世纪如何养活自己之间的联系。琼斯教授认为,彼得大帝建立这座城市的初衷是俄罗斯的主要海港和首都,而其地理位置远未充分生产土壤,这不仅构成了莫斯科时代的重大突破,这一时期支配了我们对俄罗斯历史的理解,但是这也是供应挑战,国家直面这一挑战,从而很好地宣判了自己的无罪。可以肯定的是,由于迫切的需求,一些州立项目如唐·伏尔加河和唐·奥卡河运河一经启动,就不得不放弃。还有其他一些东西,例如彼得一世在1703年在涅瓦河口捕获瑞典的尼恩斯坎人之前就曾想过的Vyshnii Volochek系统,对养活圣彼得堡绝对至关重要。国家主管部门很好地理解了这种配置的必要性,因为它们设置了特定的过境点,例如迄今为止微不足道的Gzhatsk;修复,改善和扩展了运河和港口网络,已建立的市场和粮仓网络;根据预测的供应量计算了人口对谷物的需求;在短缺时限制或禁止出口;甚至禁止熟练且有价值的农奴飞行员的主人将他们遣散为军事新兵,以满足他们的社区配额。在该州最有趣的政策中,大约一半的人口是农奴,兵役已有25年,并且相对于新兵村庄而言是平民死亡,而且无论何时,当局都不会因大规模征兵而缩水被认为是可取的,是对这种供应和运输的依赖自由企业和市场。在这里,国家的角色是促进和监管的一种,而不是将实际的生产,批发,运输或零售视为国有企业。相反,从“水上面包”中可以看到一个社会的景象,尽管它是农奴制,但仍然充满着人道的基本原理,计算了何时,何地,在哪个领域工作以及如何实现利润最大化。这可以采取圣彼得堡军事当局以优惠价格购买散装谷物期货的形式。地主大王向成千上万的农奴提供信贷,并规避限制性法律,以便其中一些人可以从事圣彼得堡的谷物贸易;或来自莫斯科附近的一个较为谦虚的商人的估算,通常较慢的陆路绕过临时运河瓶颈最终将产生更高的利润。



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