首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Transport Geography >Environmental impact of Italian canned tomato logistics: national vs. regional supply chains

Environmental impact of Italian canned tomato logistics: national vs. regional supply chains


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The environmental impact of food transportation is site and product specific and depends on the direct relation between origin-to-destination distance and logistic efficiency, as pointed out by the relevant literature. This paper analyses a very specific case, comparing the impacts of transportation generated by the logistics of two brands, of Italian canned tomato purchased in Sassari (Sardinia, Italy), one extending over the whole continental Italian territory, the other mainly located in the island of Sardinia. Different sale (supermarket chain vs. independent retailers) and shopping (foot vs. car) modalities are also considered. The contributions to global warming, local pollution and traffic congestion are considered. The case study shows that the logistics of the national brand is much more polluting than the regional, not only because of the longer distance between origin and destination, but also because the additional distance that is needed to reach logistic hubs is not compensated by higher load factors. Instead, the logistics of the regional brand is based on a very efficient point-to-point organization. This result is gen-eralizable to all regional supply chains featuring high volumes of product. Results of the case study also depend on: a) the high impact of packaging transportation, because of the very low weight/volume ratio of empty cans; b) the high CO_2 emission coefficient of lorries and trailers transportation by ferry (Ro-Ro). The case study also stresses the very high impact of shopping by car.
机译:如相关文献所指出的,食品运输对环境的影响取决于地点和产品,并取决于起点到目的地的距离与物流效率之间的直接关系。本文分析了一个非常具体的案例,比较了两个品牌的物流运输对运输的影响,这两个品牌是在萨萨里(意大利撒丁岛)购买的意大利罐装番茄,一个罐装番茄在整个意大利大陆领土上延伸,另一个主要位于该岛上撒丁岛。还考虑了不同的销售(超级市场链与独立零售商)和购物(步行与汽车)模式。考虑了对全球变暖,局部污染和交通拥堵的贡献。案例研究表明,民族品牌的物流比区域物流污染严重得多,这不仅是因为始发地与目的地之间的距离更长,而且还因为到达物流枢纽所需的额外距离无法由更高的负载来补偿因素。相反,区域品牌的物流是基于高效的点对点组织。该结果可普遍推广到所有具有大量产品的区域供应链。案例研究的结果还取决于:a)由于空罐的重量/体积比非常低,包装运输的影响很大; b)轮渡运输的卡车和拖车的高CO_2排放系数。案例研究还强调了开车购物的巨大影响。



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