首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Transport Geography >A geographically weighted regression model to examine the spatial variation of the socioeconomic and land-use factors associated with Strava bike activity in Austin, Texas

A geographically weighted regression model to examine the spatial variation of the socioeconomic and land-use factors associated with Strava bike activity in Austin, Texas


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Despite evidence showing the spatial nonstationarity of the determinants of bike activity, very few studies have addressed the phenomena, probably due to the limited sample size of the traditional count data. To address this gap, this study demonstrated the applicability of Strava bike activity data by developing a geographically weighted Poisson regression (GWPR) model that can reveal how the influence of socioeconomic and land-use factors vary across a region. The city of Austin was selected as a case study, and Strava bike volume was gleaned from 1494 intersections. The representativeness of the Strava data was first examined by comparing those data with the video-based actual bicycle volume data from 43 intersections in the study area. Despite the high deviation in several locations, Strava volume exhibited moderate linear relationships with actual volume. The GWPR model developed in this study outperformed the traditional global model and revealed significant spatial variability of nine variables related to age, income, education, transit stops, hub locations, offices, schools, trails, and sidewalk facilities. Notable spatial variations on bike activity were observed across the study area in terms of magnitude, direction, and significance of the impact for all model variables. The analysis and discussion offer guidance to practitioners and policy makers in tailoring policies and programs that consider the spatial context. The study also provides insights for understanding the potential use of crowdsourced data in examining bike activity, especially when resources are limited.
机译:尽管有证据表明,展示了自行车活动的决定因素的空间非运动性,但很少有研究已经解决了该现象,可能是由于传统计数数据的有限限制。为了解决这一差距,本研究通过开发了地理加权泊松回归(GWPR)模型来展示Strava Bike活动数据的适用性,这些模型可以揭示社会经济和土地使用因素如何在地区之间变化的影响。奥斯汀市被选为案例研究,从1494个交叉路口收集了Strava Bike体积。首先通过将这些数据与研究区域中的43个交叉点的视频的实际自行车体积数据进行比较来检查strava数据的代表性。尽管在几个位置偏差高,但斯特拉维卡卷显示了与实际体积的中等线性关系。本研究中开发的GWPR模型表现出传统的全球模式,并揭示了与年龄,收入,教育,过境站,枢纽,办公室,学校,小径和人行道设施相关的九个变量的显着空间变异。在对所有模型变量的影响的幅度,方向和意义方面,在研究区域中观察到自行车活动的显着空间变化。分析和讨论为从业者和决策者提供指导,以定制审查空间环境的政策和计划。该研究还提供了解了解潜在使用众群数据在检查自行车活动时的见解,特别是当资源有限时。



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