首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Time Series Analysis >On Stationarity And Ergodicity Of The Bilinear Model With Applications To Garch Models

On Stationarity And Ergodicity Of The Bilinear Model With Applications To Garch Models


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We establish sufficient conditions for the bilinear time-series model to be strictly stationary and ergodic in terms of its associated Lyapunov exponent. In two special cases, we verify that the conditions are also necessary. We then use these results to give necessary and sufficient conditions for stationarity of specific generalized autoregres-sive conditionally heteroskcdastic (GARCH) models which can be written as a bilinear model, including linear GARCH, Power GARCH, EGARCH among others. These results generalize the ones found in the studies of, among others, Bougerol and Picard [Journal of Econometrics 52 (1992) 115], Duan [Journal of Econometrics 79 (1997) 97] and Nelson [Econometric Theory 6 (1990) 318]. In many cases, the conditions are weaker than the ones found elsewhere in the literature.
机译:我们根据其相关的Lyapunov指数建立了双线性时间序列模型严格固定且遍历的充分条件。在两种特殊情况下,我们验证条件也是必要的。然后,我们使用这些结果为特定的广义自回归条件异方差(GARCH)模型的平稳性提供必要和充分的条件,这些模型可以写为双线性模型,包括线性GARCH,Power GARCH,EGARCH等。这些结果概括了在Bougerol和Picard [计量经济学杂志52(1992)115],段[计量经济学杂志79(1997)97]和Nelson [计量经济学理论6(1990)318]等研究中发现的结果。 。在许多情况下,这些条件要比文献中其他地方要弱。



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