首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer >Heat Balance Integral Method for One-Dimensional Finite Ablation

Heat Balance Integral Method for One-Dimensional Finite Ablation


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In this paper, the heat balance integral method is applied to a simple one-dimensional ablation problem. Previous authors have provided solutions that give good approximations over a short time scale; we attempt to provide a solution valid over a large time scale, both before and after ablation begins. We give motivation for the choice of a quartic approximating function n = 4 and compare our results with different polynomial approximations and numerical solutions. It is shown that lower values of polynomial degree n provide a better approximation to the temperature profile in the preablation phase, whereas higher values are more accurate during the ablation phase. The temperature gradient at the ablating surface, and consequently the ablation rate, shows a much weaker dependence on n. However, to ensure a positive ablation rate, it is not possible to switch to a higher value of n between preablation and ablation phases. The approximate solutions are compared with numerical and exact analytical solutions whenever possible. Finally, a simple analytical solution is presented that corresponds to the classical solution of Landau.
机译:在本文中,将热平衡积分方法应用于简单的一维消融问题。先前的作者提供的解决方案可以在很短的时间内给出良好的近似值。我们尝试提供一种在消融开始之前和之后在较大时间范围内有效的解决方案。我们为选择四次近似函数n = 4提供了动力,并将我们的结果与不同的多项式近似和数值解进行了比较。结果表明,多项式次数n的值越小,预烧蚀阶段的温度分布越好,而在烧蚀阶段,较高的值更准确。烧蚀表面的温度梯度以及烧蚀率对n的依赖性弱得多。但是,为了确保正的消融率,不可能在预消融阶段和消融阶段之间切换到较高的n值。尽可能将近似解与数值解和精确解析解进行比较。最后,给出了一个简单的解析解,它对应于Landau的经典解。



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