首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology >Ranking, Relevance Judgment, and Precision of Information Retrieval on Children's Queries: Evaluation of Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Yahoo! Kids, and Ask Kids

Ranking, Relevance Judgment, and Precision of Information Retrieval on Children's Queries: Evaluation of Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Yahoo! Kids, and Ask Kids


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This study employed benchmarking and intellectual relevance judgment in evaluating Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Yahoo! Kids, and Ask Kids on 30 queries that children formulated to find information for specific tasks. Retrieved hits on given queries were benchmarked to Google's and Yahoo! Kids' top-five ranked hits retrieved. Relevancy of hits was judged on a graded scale; precision was calculated using the precision-at-ten metric (P@10). Yahoo! and Bing produced a similar percentage in hit overlap with Google (nearly 30%), but differed in the ranking of hits. Ask Kids retrieved 11% in hit overlap with Google versus 3% by Yahoo! Kids. The engines retrieved 26 hits across query clusters that overlapped with Yahoo! Kids' top-five ranked hits. Precision (P) that the engines produced across the queries was P=0.48 for relevant hits, and P= 0.28 for partially relevant hits. Precision by Ask Kids was P= 0.44 for relevant hits versus P= 0.21 by Yahoo! Kids. Bing produced the highest total precision (TP) of relevant hits (TP= 0.86) across the queries, and Yahoo! Kids yielded the lowest (TP= 0.47). Average precision (AP) of relevant hits was AP=0.56 by leading engines versus AP= 0.29 by small engines. In contrast, average precision of partially relevant hits was AP- 0.83 by small engines versus AP=0.33 by leading engines. Average precision of relevant hits across the engines was highest on two-word queries and lowest on one-word queries. Google performed best on natural language queries; Bing did the same (P = 0.69) on two-word queries. The findings have implications for search engine ranking algorithms, relevance theory, search engine design, research design, and information literacy.
机译:这项研究采用基准测试和智力相关性判断来评估Google,Yahoo!,Bing,Yahoo!孩子们,并询问孩子们为查找特定任务信息而制定的30个查询。在给定查询中检索到的匹配数据以Google和Yahoo!为基准。检索到儿童排名前五的热门歌曲。命中的相关性以分级量表进行判断;使用十位精度度量标准(P @ 10)计算精度。雅虎!和Bing在与Google的匹配重叠中产生了相似的百分比(将近30%),但是在匹配的排名上有所不同。 Ask Kids与Google的点击重叠率达到11%,而Yahoo!则为3%。孩子们引擎在与Yahoo!重叠的查询集群中检索了26个匹配项。儿童排行榜前五名。引擎在整个查询中产生的精度(P)对于相关的匹配而言为P = 0.48,对于部分相关的匹配而言则为P = 0.28。 Ask Kids的相关匹配命中率为P = 0.44,而Yahoo!的P = 0.21。孩子们必应在整个查询中产生了相关匹配的最高总精度(TP)(TP = 0.86),而Yahoo!孩子的产量最低(TP = 0.47)。领先发动机的相关命中平均精度(AP)为AP = 0.56,而小型发动机为AP = 0.29。相反,部分相关命中的平均精度在小型发动机中为AP-0.83,在领先发动机中为AP = 0.33。引擎中相关命中的平均准确性在两个单词查询中最高,而在一个单词查询中最低。 Google在自然语言查询方面表现最佳;必应在两个单词查询中执行了相同的操作(P = 0.69)。这些发现对搜索引擎排名算法,相关性理论,搜索引擎设计,研究设计和信息素养具有重要意义。



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