首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology >Les Derives de l'Evaluation de la Recherche: du bon usage de la bibliometrie (The Excesses of Research Evaluation: The Proper Use of Bibliometrics)

Les Derives de l'Evaluation de la Recherche: du bon usage de la bibliometrie (The Excesses of Research Evaluation: The Proper Use of Bibliometrics)


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Yves Gingras (YG) is a sociologist and, along with Benoit Godin, a pioneer of evaluation and bibliometrics in French-speaking Canada. His works were constantly inspired by the concern for historical depth and the connection between global thinking and practice of decision support in research. He is now the scientific director of OST-Montreal, which he contributed in launching-a team recognized for the quality, and often the originality-of its research. Adapted from conferences presentations, the short essay he gives here belongs to the critical literature on evaluation, a necessary counterpoint to the chaotic flourishing of naive transposition of managerial models to the world of research. The body of the book is comprised of four chapters in two parts: bibliometrics (origins, bibliometrics, and science dynamics) and evaluation (context of indicators, limits, and recommendations). For convenience, I shall follow the organization of the chapters.
机译:Yves Gingras(YG)是一位社会学家,他与Benoit Godin一起是法语加拿大的评估和文献计量学的先驱。他的作品不断受到对历史深度的关注以及全球思想与研究中决策支持实践之间联系的启发。现在,他是蒙特利尔OST的科学总监,他为启动OST做出了贡献-一支因其研究的质量和原创性而享有盛誉的团队。他在会议上发表的短篇小说改编而成,他在这里发表的短文属于关于评估的批判性文献,这是对付管理模型天真地向研究界转移的混乱发展的必要对策。本书的主体由四章组成,分为两个部分:书目计量学(起源,书目计量学和科学动态)和评估(指标,限制和建议的背景)。为了方便起见,我将按照各章的组织方式进行操作。



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