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Selective Recognition of Alkyl Pyranosides in Protic and Aprotic Solvents


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The design and synthesis of receptors capable of selective, noncovalent recognition of carbohydrates continues to be a signature challenge in bioorganic chemistry. We report a new generation of tripodal receptors incorporating three pyridine (compound 2) or quinoline (compound 3) rings around a central cyclohexane core for use in molecular recognition of monosaccharides in apolar and polar protic solvents. These tripodal receptors were investigated using ~1H NMR, UV, and fluorescence titrations in order to determine their binding abilities toward a set of octyl glycosides. Receptor 2 displayed the highest binding affinity reported to date for noncovalent 1:1 binding of an a-glucopyranoside in chloroform (K_a = 212 000 ± 27 000 M~(-1)) and an approximately 8-fold selectivity for the α anomer over the β anomer of the glucopyranoside. Most importantly, 2 retained its micromolar range of affinities toward monosaccharides in a polar and highly competitive solvent (methanol). The quinoline variant 3 also displayed micromolar binding affinities for selected monosaccharides in methanol (as measured by fluorescence) that were generally smaller than those of 2. Compound 3 was found to follow a selectivity pattern similar to that of 2, displaying higher affinities for glucopyranosides than for other monosaccharides. The binding stoichiometry was estimated to be 1:1 for the complexes formed by both 2 and 3 with glucopyranosides, as determined by Job plots. Nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy allowed for the derivation of a binding model consistent with the observed selectivities.
机译:能够选择性,非共价识别碳水化合物的受体的设计和合成继续是生物有机化学中的一个标志性挑战。我们报告了新一代的三脚架受体,其在中央环己烷核心周围结合了三个吡啶(化合物2)或喹啉(化合物3)环,用于分子识别非极性和极性质子溶剂中的单糖。使用〜1H NMR,UV和荧光滴定法研究了这些三脚架受体,以确定它们对一组辛基糖苷的结合能力。迄今为止,受体2对a-吡喃葡萄糖苷在氯仿中的非共价1:1结合表现出最高的结合亲和力(K_a = 212 000±27 000 M〜(-1)),对α-端基异构体的选择性约为8倍。吡喃葡萄糖苷的β异构体。最重要的是,2在极性和竞争激烈的溶剂(甲醇)中保留了其对单糖的微摩尔亲和力范围。喹啉变体3还显示出对甲醇中所选单糖的微摩尔结合亲和力(通过荧光测量),通常比2的小。与化合物2相似,发现化合物3的选择性模式与对吡喃葡糖苷的亲和力更高。用于其他单糖。由Job图确定,由2和3与吡喃葡萄糖苷形成的复合物的结合化学计量为1:1。核Overhauser效应光谱法可以推导与观察到的选择性一致的结合模型。



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