首页> 外文期刊>繊維学会誌 >酵素エッチングを施した羊毛繊維断面の走査型電子顕微鏡観察



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羊毛繊維や毛髪は,クチクル細胞,コルテックス細胞 および細胞膜複合体とそれらのサブ構造からなる複雑な 形態学的階層構造を有している.現在広く受け入れられ ている階層構造はさまざまな分析手段を駆使して得られ た測定結果に基づいて組み立てられてきたものである.%To identify some fine histological features of wool fiber cross-sections by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the preparation method by the differential dissolution of section with a proteolytic enzyme was investigated. Wool fibers were embedded in epoxy resin and were sectioned into about 25μm thickness. The resultant sections were mounted on the SEM sample stage and were surface etched by enzyme (Savinase : Nobozymes Japan industry) solution followed by SEM observation. By using this method for preparing specimens, this differential digestion of components revealed the relatively distinct histological structure of the fiber in the SEM images with good resolution, where the cystine-poor endocuticle, cell membranes, nuclear remnants, and intermacrofibrillar material of the intact wool cross-sections were partially dissolved away. For the wool fiber oxidized under aqueous acidic conditions with Caro's salt, especially, the macrofibrils were observed in an electron scattering zone (concave circular structure) at the center of each one over the orthocortex, but not over the paracortex. Because of this differentiation, it was possible to distinctly discriminate between the ortho- and pracortex cell types of the fiber. In addition, this method will undoubtedly be valuable for assessing the extent of damage in fiber resulting from various physical and chemical treatments.
机译:羊毛纤维和头发具有复杂的形态层次结构,由角质层细胞,皮质细胞,细胞膜复合物及其子结构组成。基于使用各种分析方法获得的测量结果,构造了当前被广泛接受的层次结构。为了通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)鉴定羊毛纤维横截面的一些良好的组织学特征,研究了用蛋白水解酶差异溶解切片的制备方法,将羊毛纤维包埋​​在环氧树脂中并切成约25μm将得到的切片安装在SEM样品台上,并通过酶溶液(Savinase:Nobozymes Japan Industry)进行表面蚀刻,然后进行SEM观察。通过这种方法制备的标本,这种成分的差异消化揭示了相对不同的组织学结构的SEM图像中的纤维具有良好的分辨率,其中完整羊毛横截面的胱氨酸不足的内膜层,细胞膜,核残留物和宏原纤维之间的材料被部分溶解掉了。盐,特别是在电子散射区(co圆形结构)位于原皮层的中心,而不是副皮层的中心,由于这种区别,可以清楚地区分纤维的原皮和皮层细胞类型,此外,这种方法无疑也将是对于评估各种物理和化学处理对纤维造成的破坏程度具有重要意义。



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