首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Systematic Palaeontology >Osteology of the Middle Triassic stem-turtle Pappochelys rosinae and the early evolution of the turtle skeleton

Osteology of the Middle Triassic stem-turtle Pappochelys rosinae and the early evolution of the turtle skeleton

机译:中三叠纪茎龟Pappochelys rosinae的骨学和龟骨架的早期演化

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Pappochelys extends the fossil record of Triassic stem-turtles back by some 20 million years, and provides important new insights into how and in what sequence the key features of turtles arose, it shares various derived features with the early Late Triassic stem-turtle Odontochelys, such as T-shaped ribs, a short trunk, and features of the girdles and limbs. At the same time, it is more plesiomorphic in retaining a fully diapsid skull and in lacking both neurals and a plastron with plate-??like elements. Pappochelys provides important new evidence that the carapace and plastron of turtles are distinct moieties that evolved independently from each other. The skull of Pappochelys is more or less triangular in plan view. The marginal dentition comprises peg-like teeth with subthecodont implantation. Whereas the upper temporal fenestra is relatively small and rounded, the lower temporal opening is large and ventrally open. The slender vomers are fused. The vertebral column of Pappochelys comprises probably eight cervical, probably nine dorsal, two sacral, and more than 24 caudal vertebrae. The dorsal ribs have asymmetrical anterior and posterior flanges and their external surfaces are heavily ornamented. The gastralia form pairs of robust elements, one per vertebral segment. The scapula has a slender dorsal shaft and a rounded 'acromial' flange. The humerus has a slightly dorsally raised proximal head and a gently sigmoidal curvature. The pubis closely resembles that of Odontochelys in overall shape and has a well-developed lateral process. We performed a phylogenetic analysis using a modified character-taxon matrix (272 characters, 50 taxa) from a recent study to assess the placement of Pappochelys among amniotes. Pappochelys was found to nest among Pantestudines with Eunotosaurus and the more derived Odontochelys and Proganochelys. The diapsid affinities of turtles are well supported but it is still unresolved whether turtles are saurians or only related to the latter.
机译:Pappochelys将三叠纪干海龟的化石记录追溯了大约2000万年,并提供了重要的新见解,说明了海龟的主要特征如何以及以什么顺序出现,它与三叠纪晚期的干海龟Odontochechelys具有各种衍生特征,例如T形的肋骨,短的躯干以及腰带和四肢的特征。同时,它在保留完整硬骨的颅骨,缺乏神经和带有板状元素的腹甲方面更具多形性。 Pappochelys提供了重要的新证据,证明乌龟的甲壳和腹甲是彼此独立进化的不同部分。在平面图中,Pappochelys的头骨或多或少是三角形的。边缘牙列包括带有鞘突下植入的钉状牙齿。上颞部窗孔相对较小且呈圆形,而下部颞部孔口较大且腹侧开放。细长的融合器融合了。 Pappochelys的椎骨可能包括八个颈椎,可能是九个背椎,两个骨,以及超过24个尾椎。背肋有不对称的前后凸缘,其外表面装饰有很多。腹ia形成一对坚固的元件,每个椎骨节段一个。肩cap骨具有细长的背轴和圆形的“肩峰”凸缘。肱骨近端头略向背侧隆起,并有轻微的乙状弯曲。耻骨在总体形状上与Ototochelys非常相似,并且具有发达的侧突。我们从最近的一项研究中使用改良的字符分类单元矩阵(272个字符,50个分类单元)进行了系统发育分析,以评估羊膜羊幼虫中的小蝶纲的位置。发现帕波切虫与反义龙和衍生性更强的齿兰和Proganochelys一起筑巢于泛睾丸中。乌龟的直系亲和性得到了很好的支持,但是乌龟是蜥蜴类还是仅与后者有关尚无定论。



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