首页> 外文期刊>urnal of Symbolic Computation >Curves of Genus 2 with (N,N) Decomposable Jacobians

Curves of Genus 2 with (N,N) Decomposable Jacobians


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Let C be a curve of genus 2 and ψ1: C→E1 a map of degree n, from C to an elliptic curve E1, both curves defined over C. This map induces a degree n map φ1: P1→P1 which we call a Frey-Kani covering. We determine all possible ramifications for φ1. If ψ1: C→E1 is maximal then there exists a maximal map ψ2: C→E2, of degree n, to some elliptic curve E2 such that there is an isogeny of degree n2 from the Jacobian JC to E1 x E2. We say that JC is (n,n)-decomposable. If the degree n is odd the pair (ψ2, E2) is canonically determined. For n=3,5, and 7, we give arithmetic examples of curves whose Jacobians are (n,n)-decomposable.
机译:令C为属2的曲线和ψ1:C→E1为度数的贴图,从C到椭圆曲线E1,两条曲线都定义在C上。该贴图诱发了度数贴图φ1:P1→P1,我们称a为Frey-Kani封面。我们确定φ1的所有可能的分支。如果ψ1:C→E1最大,则存在到某些椭圆曲线E2的度数为n的最大映射ψ2:C→E2,从而从雅可比JC到E1 x E2的度数为n2。我们说JC是(n,n)可分解的。如果度数n为奇数,则对(ψ2,E2)被规范确定。对于n = 3,5和7,我们给出了雅可比行列式(n,n)可分解的曲线的算术示例。



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