首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Sustainable Tourism >Tourism destination evolution: a comparative study of Shi Cha Hai Beijing Hutong businesses' and residents' attitudes

Tourism destination evolution: a comparative study of Shi Cha Hai Beijing Hutong businesses' and residents' attitudes


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This paper reports results from comparative studies of residents and businesses in Shi Cha Hai Hutong, Beijing, for 2006 and 2008. The study illustrates the speed and scale of tourism development in China and is based on the global literature describing social, economic, environmental and cultural impacts of tourism as well as place attachment and identity. The 2006 sample comprised 400 residents, while the 2008 sample had 352; in both years, approximately 40 business managers and owners were interviewed. Results show that while businesses welcome tourism, residents are more ambiguous in their response patterns, which are characterized by "desirable" response sets, to some extent an unwillingness to criticize planning authorities and a sense that many respondents have little say in planning processes. Nonetheless, contrary to Doxey's Irridex model, the passing of time brings greater tolerance of tourism - a conclusion based in part on findings derived from a cluster analysis. It is noted that other factors also impinge on the Hutong, including a process of gentrification. Two key suggestions emerge, namely (1) city-based tourism research can be more closely linked with that of urban planning, and (2) processes of urban gentrification must be incorporated into the Butler model of destination evolution.
机译:本文报告了2006年和2008年北京什刹海胡同区居民和企业的比较研究结果。该研究说明了中国旅游业的发展速度和规模,并基于描述社会,经济,环境和社会发展的全球文献。旅游业的文化影响以及地点依恋和身份认同。 2006年的样本包括400名居民,而2008年的样本有352名;在这两年中,大约40位业务经理和所有者都接受了采访。结果表明,尽管企业欢迎旅游业,但居民的反应方式却比较模棱两可,其特征是“期望的”反应集,在某种程度上不愿意批评规划部门,而且许多受访者在规划过程中几乎没有发言权。但是,与Doxey的Irridex模型相反,时间的流逝带来了更大的旅游业耐受性-这一结论部分基于聚类分析得出的结论。应当指出,其他因素也影响到胡同,包括中产阶级化进程。出现了两个关键建议,即(1)基于城市的旅游研究可以与城市规划更加紧密地联系在一起;(2)必须将城市高档化的过程纳入目的地演变的巴特勒模型中。



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