首页> 外文期刊>Journal of structural geology >Tablet boudinage of an anhydrite layer in rock-salt matrix: Results from thermomechanical experiments

Tablet boudinage of an anhydrite layer in rock-salt matrix: Results from thermomechanical experiments


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A single competent layer of anhydrite, embedded in a matrix of incompetent rock salt, was deformed in a flattening type of bulk deformation at temperature, T = 345 ℃, strain rate, e = 10~(-7) s~(-1) to a maximum finite strain, e_z = -30%. As the anhydrite layer was oriented perpendicular to the main shortening direction, Z, the layer underwent equal layer-parallel extension in all directions resulting in tablet-shaped boudins. Boudinage results from tensile fracture of anhydrite. The rock-salt matrix, on the other hand, behaved viscously. Crystal plastic deformation of halite was accommodated by slip on {110}< 110> which led to formation and rotation of subgrains and a 001-maximum parallel to the principal shortening axis,Z. An axisymmetric texture of halite, however, is present only in high-strain domains at the contact to the anhydrite layer where the differential stress, obtained from subgrain size of halite, reaches maximum values of ca. 6 MPa. Subgrains remote from the anhydrite layer yielded 2-3 MPa, which is consistent with the flow stress recorded by the load cell of the machine.The non-isometric shape of the tablet boudins in plan-view is indicated by the ratio between long and short axis (R = 1.2-1.9), and can be explained by the interaction of concentric and radial tensile fractures.Both the mean diameter of the tablet boudins in plan-view, Wa, and the number of boudins, N, show a linear relation to the layer thickness. Progressive finite strain results in a higher number and a smaller mean diameter of the boudins. The thickness of the boudins, H_f, is almost the same like the initial layer thickness, H_i, while the aspect ratio (W_d = W_a/H_f) decreases with finite strain. The mean W_d values obtained from all runs are ranging from ca. 0.8 to ca. 1.5. This range is much lower than the aspect ratio of boudins in viscous or brittle/viscous layers, but is similar to the aspect ratio expected from fracturesaturation models. The aspect ratio of the tablet-shaped anhydrite boudins is further consistent with aspect ratios published so far for tensile-fracture boudins which developed in a plane or constrictional type of bulk deformation.
机译:在温度T = 345℃,应变率e = 10〜(-7)s〜(-1)的条件下,嵌入无能力岩盐基质中的一块硬石膏的单能层以扁平化的体变形发生变形。到最大有限应变,e_z = -30%。由于硬石膏层的取向垂直于主要缩短方向Z,因此该层在所有方向上均以相等的层数平行延伸,从而形成片剂状的布丁。 Boudinage是由硬石膏拉伸断裂产生的。另一方面,岩盐矩阵表现出粘性。通过{110} <110>上的滑移来适应盐岩的结晶塑性变形,这导致亚晶粒的形成和旋转以及平行于主缩短轴Z的001最大。然而,仅在与硬石膏层接触的高应变区域中存在盐岩的轴对称织构,其中从盐岩的亚晶粒尺寸获得的差应力达到约ca的最大值。 6兆帕远离硬石膏层的亚颗粒产生2-3 MPa,这与机器称重传感器记录的流应力一致。片剂布丁在平面图中的非等距形状由长短比表示轴(R = 1.2-1.9),并且可以用同心和径向拉伸断裂的相互作用来解释。平板布丁的平均直径Wa和布丁的数量N均呈线性关系层的厚度。渐进式有限应变导致boudins的数量增加和平均直径变小。布丁的厚度H_f与初始层厚度H_i几乎相同,而长宽比(W_d = W_a / H_f)随有限应变而减小。从所有运行中获得的平均W_d值范围约为ca。 0.8至约1.5。该范围远低于粘性或脆性/粘稠层中布丁的长宽比,但与裂缝饱和模型所预期的长宽比相似。片剂状硬石膏的长宽比与迄今公开的关于以平面或收缩的整体变形形式产生的拉伸断裂的长宽比的长宽比一致。



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