首页> 外文期刊>Journal of structural geology >Deformation thermometry based on quartz c-axis fabrics and recrystallization microstructures: A review

Deformation thermometry based on quartz c-axis fabrics and recrystallization microstructures: A review


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For quartz-rich tectonites two types of deformation thermometer are currently commonly employed: 1) The quartz c-axis fabric opening-angle thermometer that provides an estimate of deformation temperatures when fabrics were 'locked in' during dislocation creep and dynamic recrystallization. 2) The quartz recrystallization thermometer that indicates a range of likely deformation temperatures based on observed microstructures and inferred mechanisms of dynamic recrystallization. A critically important caveat in applying both thermometers is the assumption that deformation temperature is the primary controlling factor in recrystallization mechanisms and fabric development. However, fabric opening-angles and recrystallization mechanisms are also sensitive to other variables such as strain rate and water weakening. In this paper the development of these thermometers is reviewed, and their potential sensitivities to competing factors such as temperature, strain rate, water weakening and (in the case of opening-angles) 3D strain type are discussed. Examples of the application of these potential thermometers to naturally deformed quartz-rich rocks are given, and case studies of correlations between deformation temperatures estimated by these thermometers and temperatures of synkinematic meta-morphism determined by petrology-based thermobarometers are highlighted. In the review, attention is focused on problems associated with applying these thermometers to natural deformation, and examples of such problems are discussed.
机译:对于富含石英的构造体,目前通常使用两种类型的变形温度计:1)石英c轴织物开角温度计,用于估计在位错蠕变和动态重结晶过程中“锁定”织物时的变形温度。 2)石英再结晶温度计,根据观察到的微观结构和推断的动态再结晶机理,指示可能的变形温度范围。在使用两个温度计时,一个至关重要的警告是假设变形温度是重结晶机理和织物发展的主要控制因素。但是,织物的开角和再结晶机理对其他变量(如应变率和水弱化)也很敏感。在本文中,对这些温度计的发展进行了综述,并讨论了它们对竞争因素(如温度,应变率,水弱化和(在开角情况下)3D应变类型)的潜在敏感性。给出了将这些潜在温度计应用于自然变形的富含石英的岩石的例子,并着重研究了这些温度计估算的变形温度与基于岩石的热压计确定的动力学变态温度之间的相关性的案例研究。在审查中,注意力集中在与将这些温度计应用于自然变形有关的问题上,并讨论了此类问题的示例。



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