首页> 外文期刊>Journal of structural engineering >Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Ductile Top-Flange Beam Splices for Improved Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame Behavior

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Ductile Top-Flange Beam Splices for Improved Buckling-Restrained Braced Frame Behavior


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Buckling-restrained braced frame performance at high drifts is improved by providing beam splices that reduce demands in the gusset regions. Existing experimental data only consider web splices without a slab present. An alternative top-flange splice, proposed by others, was investigated experimentally and numerically. Two full-scale top-flange beam splices from a prototype frame were tested using the qualifying buckling-restrained brace frame cyclic loading protocol. During experimental testing, the gusset connection regions remained essentially undamaged through multiple cycles at 0.06 rad drift. The splice plates experienced low inelastic strains, but fatigue analyses indicate they could withstand over fourteen similar loading histories without requiring replacement. Finite-element models were used to investigate the influence of slabs on connections with web splices or top-flange splices. When slabs were considered, the top-flange splice transmitted over 70% less moment than the web splice.
机译:通过提供可减少角撑板区域需求的梁接头,可以改善在高漂移时屈曲约束的支撑框架的性能。现有的实验数据仅考虑了不存在平板的腹板拼接。通过实验和数值研究了其他人提出的另一种顶部法兰接头。使用合格的屈曲约束支撑框架循环加载方案测试了原型框架的两个全尺寸顶凸缘梁接头。在实验测试期间,角撑板连接区域在0.06 rad漂移下的多个循环中基本保持不变。拼接板的弹性应变低,但疲劳分析表明它们可以承受十四种相似的加载历史,而无需更换。有限元模型用于研究平板对腹板接头或顶部法兰接头的连接的影响。考虑平板时,顶部法兰接头的传递力矩比腹板接头传递的力矩少70%。



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