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Detail Categories for Reliability-Based Fatigue Evaluation of Mast-Arm Sign Support Structures


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Sign and luminaire support structures are prevalent throughout the transportation infrastructure network. Collapse and inspection of these pose hazards to the motoring public and the inspection personnel charged with their maintenance. There is a need to understand variability in their performance and to develop inspection protocols consistent with this expected performance to ensure public safety and to rationally disperse limited fiscal and personnel resources. Because mast-arm sign support structures are most often decommissioned when cracks are found, these protocols will focus on detecting crack initiation. Inspection protocols for assessing service life and the limit state of fatigue-induced crack initiation are most effectively developed using reliability-based procedures. The objective of this manuscript is to present two methods for synthesizing archival fatigue test data into a form suitable for implementation in reliability-based procedures for fatigue-induced crack initiation assessment of mast-arm sign support structures. The methods culminate in statistical parameters suitable for lognormal models of fatigue life for connection details. The two methods presented suggest that it is likely more appropriate to classify connection details according to stress concentration factors rather than visual appearance. (c) 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers.
机译:标志和照明设备支撑结构在整个交通基础设施网络中十分普遍。这些的塌陷和检查对驾车人士和负责维护的检查人员构成危险。有必要了解其绩效的可变性,并制定与此预期绩效相符的检查规程,以确保公共安全并合理分散有限的财政和人力资源。由于在发现裂缝时最常取消桅杆标志支撑结构的使用,因此这些协议将着重于检测裂缝的产生。使用基于可靠性的程序可以最有效地开发用于评估使用寿命和疲劳引起的裂纹萌生极限状态的检查规程。该手稿的目的是提出两种方法,用于将档案疲劳测试数据合成为适合在基于可靠性的程序中实施的形式,以进行桅杆标志支撑结构疲劳诱导的裂纹萌生评估。这些方法最终产生适用于疲劳寿命的对数正态模型的统计参数以获取连接细节。提出的两种方法表明,根据应力集中因素而不是视觉外观对连接详细信息进行分类可能更合适。 (c)2016年美国土木工程师学会。



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