首页> 外文期刊>Journal of statistical computation and simulation >Bayesian inference based on a jointly type-Ⅱ censored sample from two exponential populations

Bayesian inference based on a jointly type-Ⅱ censored sample from two exponential populations


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In this paper, based on a jointly type-Ⅱ censored sample from two exponential populations, the Bayesian inference for the two unknown parameters are developed with the use of squared-error, linear-exponential and general entropy loss functions. The problem of predicting the future failure times, both point and interval prediction, based on the observed joint type-Ⅱ censored data, is also addressed from a Bayesian viewpoint. A Monte Carlo simulation study is conducted to compare the Bayesian estimators with the maximum likelihood estimator developed by Balakrishnan and Rasouli [Exact likelihood inference for two exponential populations under joint type-Ⅱ censoring. Comput Stat Data Anal. 2008;52:2725-2738]. Finally, a numerical example is utilized for the purpose of illustration.
机译:本文基于来自两个指数种群的联合Ⅱ型删失样本,利用平方误差,线性指数和一般熵损失函数,对两个未知参数进行了贝叶斯推断。从贝叶斯观点出发,还解决了基于观察到的Ⅱ类联合删失数据来预测点和间隔预测的未来失效时间的问题。进行了蒙特卡罗模拟研究,将贝叶斯估计量与Balakrishnan和Rasouli开发的[最大似然估计]进行了比较[联合Ⅱ型删失下两个指数种群的精确似然推断。计算统计数据分析。 2008; 52:2725-2738]。最后,为了说明的目的,使用了数字示例。



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