首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets >Modeling of Electromagnetic Manipulation of Plasmas for Communication During Reentry Flight

Modeling of Electromagnetic Manipulation of Plasmas for Communication During Reentry Flight


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Radio blackout that occurs during hypersonic reentry flight is an important issue for the operation of the vehicle.rnSince the radio blackout problem is caused by a high plasma number density around a vehicle, it is necessary tornmanipulate the plasma to allow communication.We suggest a configuration of an E u0001 B layer as a reentry blackoutrnmitigationmethod.The suggestedE u0001 Blayer configurationwith a two-dimensionalmagnetic field is simulated usingrnthe thermalized potentialmodel and the Poisson-likemodel in order to illustrate the effectiveness of this approach asrnamitigationmethod. The numericalmodel uses amagnetohydrodynamics approximation and is solved using a finiternvolumemethod with aRiemann solver. The results of the numericalmodel are assessed using available experimentalrnresults. Astrong plasma density reduction is obtainedwhen the high electric andmagnetic fields are applied near therncathode. The manipulated plasma region provides a possibility to communicate through a plasma layer during arnreentry blackout.
机译:高超声速折返飞行期间发生的无线电停电是车辆运行的重要问题。由于无线电停电问题是由车辆周围的高等离子体数密度引起的,因此有必要对等离子体进行撕裂以进行通讯。我们建议您配置一下使用热电势模型和类泊松模型,模拟了建议的带有二维磁场的E u0001 B层配置。数值模型使用了磁流体动力学近似,并使用带有Riemann求解器的有限体积方法进行了求解。使用可获得的实验结果评估数值模型的结果。当在阴极附近施加高电场和磁场时,等离子体密度会大大降低。在停工停电期间,受控的等离子体区域提供了通过等离子体层进行通讯的可能性。



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