首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets >Active Plasma Experiment: North Star Particle Data

Active Plasma Experiment: North Star Particle Data


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We report on data from particle instruments making in situ sounding rocket measurements of the particle environment within and near an aluminum plasma jet caused by an explosion in the auroral ionosphere. The Active Plasma Experiment sounding rocket was launched to an altitude of 350 km from the Poker Flat Research Range in January 1999. The payload separated after launch into observing payloads and two explosive plasma jet generators. During the flight, the two explosive packages were detonated, and the observing payloads studied the surrounding environment. The particle instruments measured the resulting plasma jet from a distance of approximately 500 m. The instruments measured ions from 10 to 420 eV, electrons from 10 to 6000 eV, and low-energy electrons from 2 to 1200 eV. After each explosion, the particle instruments recorded the passage of a burst of material past the spacecraft. Analysis of mass-dependent effects, plasma β, and critical ionization velocity parameters are presented, together with a comparison to earlier experimental observations. In particular we note that the duration of the enhanced ion fluxes is controlled by the jet velocity and drops sharply when the jet velocity falls below the critical ionization velocity for each ion, with the peak ion fluxes only observed while v_(jet) > V_(crit)(O+).
机译:我们报告的粒子仪器的数据进行了现场探测,从而对由极光电离层爆炸引起的铝等离子体射流内部和附近的粒子环境进行了火箭探测。主动等离子实验探测火箭于1999年1月发射到距Poker Flat研究范围350公里的高度。发射后,有效载荷分离成观察载荷和两个爆炸性等离子喷射发生器。在飞行过程中,两个炸药包被引爆,观察到的有效载荷研究了周围的环境。粒子仪器从大约500 m的距离测量所得的等离子流。仪器测量的离子范围为10至420 eV,电子范围为10至6000 eV,低能电子范围为2至1200 eV。每次爆炸后,粒子仪器都会记录一阵爆炸经过航天器的过程。提出了质量相关效应,血浆β和临界电离速度参数的分析,并与早期的实验观察结果进行了比较。特别要注意的是,增强的离子通量的持续时间由射流速度控制,当射流速度降至每个离子的临界电离速度以下时急剧下降,只有在v_(jet)> V_(暴击)(O +)。



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