首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets >Statistical Conjunction Analysis and Modeling of Low-Earth-Orbit Catalogued Objects

Statistical Conjunction Analysis and Modeling of Low-Earth-Orbit Catalogued Objects


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The number of space debris objects in the low Earth orbits, especially in the sun synchronous orbits, is increasing, and the breakups in 2007 have added more risk to the satellites in this region. It is necessary to study the risk of conjunctions in these orbits to plan a future course of action regarding the control and mitigation of space debris objects. A statistical approach to obtain the number of conjunctions in a prescribed altitude bin considering various inclination bands is presented in this paper. The low Earth orbits, which are affected the most by the accumulation of space debris objects, are analyzed with special emphasis on sun synchronous orbits. The study is based on the catalogued objects from the two line element sets. It is observed that, after the major breakups in 2007, the number of conjunctions in the sun synchronous orbital region is highly significant. The second part of the study concentrates on the modeling aspects of spatial density and brings out a stochastic model based on a mixture of Laplace distributions. It is noted from the model that the fragmentation events in low Earth orbit during 2007 have redefined the pattern of spatial density distribution in the region below 1100 km.
机译:低地球轨道,特别是太阳同步轨道中的空间碎片物体的数量正在增加,2007年的解体给该地区的卫星增加了更多的风险。有必要研究这些轨道上发生合相的风险,以规划有关控制和减轻空间碎片物体的未来行动方案。本文提出了一种统计方法,该方法可在考虑各种倾斜带的情况下获得指定海拔高度箱中的合点数量。对低地球轨道的影响最大,其受空间碎片物体堆积的影响最大,特别是太阳同步轨道。该研究基于来自两个线元素集的分类对象。可以看出,在2007年发生重大分裂之后,太阳同步轨道区域的合点数目非常重要。研究的第二部分集中于空间密度的建模方面,并基于混合的拉普拉斯分布得出了一个随机模型。从模型中可以看出,2007年低地球轨道上的碎片事件重新定义了1100 km以下区域的空间密度分布格局。



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