首页> 外文期刊>Journal of southeast Asian studies >Gathering leaves & lifting words: Histories of Buddhist monastic education in Laos and Thailand

Gathering leaves & lifting words: Histories of Buddhist monastic education in Laos and Thailand


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This book is an original study of the histories of Buddhist monastic education in Laos and Northern Thailand, covering the periods from the sixteenth century to the present. Justin McDaniel argues that individual Buddhist agents including laywomen, laymen, novices (samanen), nuns (maechi) and their interpretative communities make the complex histories of Buddhist monastic education in Laos and Northern Thailand. Over the centuries, they have actively cited, memorised, read, taught and altered Buddhist texts to fit their needs and changing circumstances. Studying the histories of Buddhism in mainland Southeast Asia through initiations and legacies of 'big men', such as kings, aristocrats or European colonists, is far from adequate. Along this line of argument, he seems to reject the fashionable notion of discontinuity or dis-juncture between the past and the present due to the rise of the secular nation-state and the onslaught of modernisation and globalisation.
机译:这本书是对老挝和泰国北部佛教寺院教育历史的原始研究,涵盖了从16世纪到现在的时期。贾斯汀·麦克丹尼尔(Justin McDaniel)辩称,个别佛教徒代理商,包括老妇,外行,新手(samanen),修女(maechi)及其诠释性团体,共同构成了老挝和泰国北部佛教寺院教育的复杂历史。在过去的几个世纪中,他们积极地引用,记忆,阅读,教导和修改佛教文字,以适应他们的需求和变化的环境。通过国王,贵族或欧洲殖民者等“大人物”的传承和遗产研究东南亚大陆的佛教历史远远不够。沿着这种论点,由于世俗民族国家的崛起以及现代化和全球化的冲击,他似乎拒绝了过去和现在之间时断时续或分离的时髦观念。



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