首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Southeast Asian Economies >The Causes and Effects of the Local Government Code in the Philippines Locked in a Status Quo of Weakly Decentralized Authority?

The Causes and Effects of the Local Government Code in the Philippines Locked in a Status Quo of Weakly Decentralized Authority?


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In 1991, the Local Government Code (LGC) of the Philippines endowed three distinct levels of government with substantial policy authority. While the LGC was designed to encourage local government units to be more self-reliant and promote economic development programmes tailored to local needs, clan politics, wide-spread corruption, and local elite incompetence have constrained improvements in the delivery of services and growth. Despite decentralization's mixed record, the status quo established by the LGC has remained as a result of opposing pressures by empowered local elites and a central government averse to supplying them with additional power or resources. Efforts in recent years have instead focused on upgrading the quality of service delivery by improving local government reporting and accountability mechanisms, rather than addressing the structure of decentralization.
机译:1991年,菲律宾的《地方政府法典》赋予三个不同级别的政府以实质性的政策授权。 LGC旨在鼓励地方政府部门更加自力更生,并促进适合当地需求的经济发展计划,但氏族政治,广泛的腐败以及地方精英无能限制了服务和增长的改善。尽管权力下放的记录好坏参半,但地方政府领导的地位仍然存在,这是由于授权的地方精英和中央政府不愿向他们提供更多权力或资源所施加的压力所致。相反,近年来的努力集中在通过改善地方政府的报告和问责机制来提高服务质量,而不是解决权力下放的结构。



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