首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Climate change during the deposition of the Aptian Santana Formation (Araripe Basin, Brazil): Preliminary data based on wood signatures

Climate change during the deposition of the Aptian Santana Formation (Araripe Basin, Brazil): Preliminary data based on wood signatures

机译:在Aptian Santana地层(Araripe Bourin,Brazil)沉积期间气候变化:基于木材签名的初步数据

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This paper presents preliminary results of paleoclimatic signatures of conifer woods during the deposition of the basal Crato and topmost Romualdo members of the Santana Formation within the Tropical Equatorial Hot Arid Belt (late Aptian, Araripe Basin, Brazil). Analysis was carried out using standard thin sections, and the anatomical details were studied in transmitted light. The wood growth pattern from the lowermost laminated lacustrine carbonate level of the Crato Member was characterized by the absence of true growth rings and the common presence of wood growth interruptions, and could be linked to a tropical, equable but erratically humid environment. In an interlayered fine-to-coarse sandstone level attributed to a fluvio-deltaic interval, the wood growth pattern was homogeneous, lacking true growth rings, with weakly delineated growth interruptions over long radial distances. In this level the growth pattern could be related with a transition to a more equable tropical climate during a relatively humid period. In contrast, the wood pattern from the carbonate succession of the uppermost Romualdo Member, interpreted as a lagoon area with marine influence, showed true growth rings with abrupt ring boundaries and rings of variable width, also including frequent growth interruptions. This pattern could be linked to a monsoonal-like climate, subjected to distinct cyclical conditions and periodical droughts during the growing season.



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