首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Long-term landscape development: a perspective from the southern Buenos Aires ranges of east central Argentina

Long-term landscape development: a perspective from the southern Buenos Aires ranges of east central Argentina


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Traditionally, the long-term landscape evolution of the southern Buenos Aires ranges of east central Argentina has been related to the influence of the Andean orogeny. We describe the large-scale morphological units and associated weathering products in the Tandilia and Ventania ranges. Two main planation surfaces are encountered at varying altitudes in different sectors of these ranges. The lower surface is characterized by roots of kaolinized weathering profiles in the Tandil area and silicified conglomerates around Sierra de La Ventana. In an interpretative model linking the range morphogenesis to the tectonosedimentary evolution of the bordering Salado and Colorado Basins, we suggest that the main morphogenetic stages are related to the late Jurassic-early Cretaceous south Atlantic rifting and Miocene tectonic reactivation induced by the Andean orogeny. Thus, the uplifted surfaces appear much older than commonly believed: pre-Cretaceous and Paleogene. Although they contradict recent results of apatite fission-track studies along the South America and South Africa passive margins, the implied low denudation rates (~4 m/My) can be explained by the limited Meso-Cenozoic uplift suffered by the southern Buenos Aires ranges. The discussion also shows the limits of the comparison that can be made with the South African planation surfaces.
机译:传统上,阿根廷中东部的布宜诺斯艾利斯南部山脉的长期景观演变与安第斯造山运动的影响有关。我们描述了Tandilia和Ventania范围内的大型形态单位和相关的风化产物。在这些范围的不同扇区中,不同高度会遇到两个主平面。下表面的特征是坦迪尔地区的高岭土风化剖面的根和塞拉德拉文塔纳周围的硅化砾岩。在将范围形态发生与萨拉多盆地和科罗拉多盆地毗邻的构造沉积演化联系起来的解释模型中,我们建议主要的形态发生阶段与安第斯造山运动引起的侏罗纪-早白垩世南大西洋裂谷和中新世构造活动有关。因此,隆起的表面看起来比通常认为的要老得多:白垩纪前和古近纪。尽管它们与最近在南美和南非被动边缘进行的磷灰石裂变径迹研究的结果相矛盾,但隐含的低剥蚀率(〜4 m / My)可以解释为布宜诺斯艾利斯南部山脉受到有限的中新生代隆起作用。讨论还显示了可以与南非平整表面进行比较的局限性。



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