首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Indications of regional scale groundwater flows in the Amazon Basins: Inferences from results of geothermal studies

Indications of regional scale groundwater flows in the Amazon Basins: Inferences from results of geothermal studies


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The present work deals with determination groundwater flows in the Amazon region, based on analysis of geothermal data acquired in shallow and deep wells. The method employed is based on the model of simultaneous heat transfer by conduction and advection in permeable media. Analysis of temperature data acquired in water wells indicates down flows of groundwaters with velocities in excess of 10~(-7) m/s at depths less than 300 m in the Amazonas basin. Bottom-hole temperature (BHT) data sets have been used in determining characteristics of fluid movements at larger depths in the basins of Acre, Solimoes, Amazonas, Maraj6 and Barreirinhas. The results of model simulations point to down flow of groundwaters with velocities of the order of 10~(-8) to 10~(-9) m/s, at depths of up to 4000 m. No evidence has been found for up flow typical of discharge zones. The general conclusion compatible with such results is that large-scale groundwater recharge systems operate at both shallow and deep levels in all sedimentary basins of the Amazon region. However, the basement rock formations of the Amazon region are relatively impermeable and hence extensive down flow systems through the sedimentary strata are possible only in the presence of generalized lateral movement of groundwater in the basal parts of the sedimentary basins. The direction of this lateral flow, inferred from the basement topography and geological characteristics of the region, is from west to east, following roughly the course of surface drainage system of the Amazon River, with eventual discharge into the Atlantic Ocean. The estimated flow rate at the continental margin is 3287 m~3/s, with velocities of the order of 218 m/year. It is possible that dynamic changes in the fluvial systems in the western parts of South American continent have been responsible for triggering alterations in the groundwater recharge systems and deep seated lateral flows in the Amazon region.
机译:本工作基于对浅井和深井中采集的地热数据的分析,来确定亚马逊地区的地下水流量。所采用的方法基于在渗透性介质中通过传导和对流同时传热的模型。对水井中获得的温度数据的分析表明,在亚马孙河流域,深度小于300 m的地下水流速下降超过10〜(-7)m / s。井底温度(BHT)数据集已用于确定Acre,Solimoes,Amazonas,Maraj6和Barreirinhas盆地较大深度的流体运动特征。模型模拟的结果表明,在深度达4000 m时,地下水的向下流动速度为10〜(-8)至10〜(-9)m / s。尚未发现典型的排放区上流的证据。与这些结果相吻合的一般结论是,在亚马逊地区所有沉积盆地中,浅层和深层都有大规模的地下水补给系统。但是,亚马逊地区的地下岩层是相对不可渗透的,因此只有在沉积盆地的基础部分存在普遍的侧向运动的情况下,才有可能通过沉积层形成广泛的向下流动系统。从该地区的地下室地形和地质特征推断出的这种侧向流动的方向是从西到东,大致遵循亚马逊河的地表排水系统,最终排入大西洋。大陆边缘的估计流量为3287 m〜3 / s,速度约为218 m /年。南美大陆西部河流系统的动态变化有可能引发了地下水补给系统的变化和亚马逊地区深层的侧向流动。



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