首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >The offshore basement of Peru: Evidence for different igneous and metamorphic domains in the forearc

The offshore basement of Peru: Evidence for different igneous and metamorphic domains in the forearc


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As a result of new studies carried out in the offshore of Peru during the exploration and hydrocarbon evaluation of the forearc basins, new U-Pb SHRIMP and TIMS in zircons and some Ar-Ar data were obtained in the metamorphic and igneous basement. The understanding of this basement was critical to evaluate different hypotheses that have been proposed for the tectonic evolution of pre-Andean crust of Peru. Recent research performed in the basement rocks of the Maranon Massif in northern Peru, claimed that west of this area was a basement-free region in the Paleozoic, where the arc and forearc were developed in a mafic quasi-oceanic crust. However, petrographic studies and new preliminary ages indicate, for the first time, the nature and age of this sialic basement. Reconnaissance studies were performed in several offshore islands, as the Las Hormigas de Afuera Island west of Lima, and Macabi and Lobera islands along the edge of the continental platform. These data were complemented with the studies of some cutting samples obtained in recent exploration wells in northern Peru. The results of the present work show two large crustal domains in the Peruvian offshore forearc. A northern domain contains late Paleozoic igneous rocks that appear to be the southern offshore continuation of the Amotape-Tahuin block, which is interpreted as the southernmost remnant of the Laurentia Alleghenian orogen. The central offshore domain, known as the Paracas High, corresponds to the outer shelf high of previous studies. It contains orthogneisses of Grenville-age, probably recrystallized during an Ordovician magmatic episode. The new results show that the central offshore of Peru is an extension of the Grenville-age basement affected by Famatinian, early Paleozoic magmatism, well exposed in the southern domain in the Arequipa Massif along the coast of southern Peru.
机译:在秘鲁盆地近海勘探和油气评估期间进行的新研究的结果是,锆石中新的U-Pb SHRIMP和TIMS以及变质和火成岩基底中获得了一些Ar-Ar数据。对地下室的了解对于评估秘鲁安第斯前地壳构造演化提出的不同假设至关重要。最近在秘鲁北部Maranon地块的基底岩石中进行的研究表明,该地区以西是古生代无基底的区域,弧和前臂在镁铁质准洋壳中发育。但是,岩相学研究和新的初步年龄首次表明了该唾液酸基底的性质和年龄。在几个近海岛屿上进行了侦察研究,例如利马以西的Las Hormigas de Afuera岛以及大陆平台边缘的Macabi和Lobera岛。这些数据与在秘鲁北部最近的勘探井中获得的一些切割样品的研究相补充。目前工作的结果显示了秘鲁近海前臂的两个大型地壳区域。北部地区包含晚古生代火成岩,似乎是Amotape-Tahuin区块的南部近海延续,这被解释为Laurentia Alleghenian造山带的最南端。中央海上区域称为Paracas高,对应于先前研究的外部高架。它包含格伦维尔时代的正长片麻岩,可能在奥陶纪的岩浆事件中重结晶。新的结果表明,秘鲁中部海域是受早古生代岩浆作用法马提尼影响的格伦维尔时代地下室的延伸,在秘鲁南部沿海的阿雷基帕断层山脉的南部地区暴露得很好。



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