首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Generation of continental crust in the northern part of the Borborema Province, northeastern Brazil, from Archaean to Neoproterozoic

Generation of continental crust in the northern part of the Borborema Province, northeastern Brazil, from Archaean to Neoproterozoic


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This work deals with the origin and evolution of the magmatic rocks in the area north of the Patos Lineament in the Borborema Province (BP). This northeastern segment of NE Brazil is composed of at least six different tectonic blocks with ages varying from late-Archaean to late-Palaeoproterozoic. Archaean rocks cover ca. 5% of the region. They were emplaced over a period of 700 Ma, with at least seven events of magma generation, at 3.41, 3.36, 3.25, 3.18, 3.12, 3.03, and 2.69 Ga. The rocks are sub alkaline to slightly alkaline, with affinity to I- and M-type magmas; they follow trondhjemitic or potassium calc-alkaline differentiation trends. They have epsilon Nd(t) of +1.4 to -4.2 and negative anomalies for Ta-Nb, P and Ti, consistent with a convergent tectonic setting. Both subducted oceanic crust and upper mantle (depleted or metasomatised) served as sources of the magmas. After a time lapse of about 350 m y., large-scale emplacement of Paleoproterozoic units took place. These rocks cover about 50% of the region. Their geochemistry indicates juvenile magmatism with a minor contribution from crustal sources. These rocks also exhibit potassic talc-alkaline differentiation trends, again akin to I- and M-type magmas, and show negative anomalies for Ta-Nb, Ti and P. Depleted and metasomatised mantle, resulting from interaction with adakitic or trondhjemitic melts in a subduction zone setting, is interpreted to be the main source of the magmas, predominanting over crustal recycling. U-Pb ages indicate generation of plutonic rocks at 2.24-2.22 Ga (in some places at about 2.4-2.3 Ga) and 2.13-2.11 Ga, and andesitic volcanism at 2.15 Ga. Isotopic evidence indicates juvenile magmatism (epsilon Nd(t) of +2.9 to -2.9). After a time lapse of about 200 m y. a period of within-plate magmatic activity followed, with acidic volcanism (1.79 Ga) in Oros, granitic plutonism (1.74 Ga) in the Serido region, anorthosites (1.70 Ga) and A-type granites (1.6 Ga) in the Transverse Zone (TZ). Early Neoproterozoic volcanism at 1091 Ma, and A-type plutonism, from 920 to 775 Ma, mark the intracontinental magmatism in the TZ. In the Serido Domain, the Late Neoproterozoic registers several events of plutonism, at 600-593, 575-560, 548-533, 528-510, 495-450 Ma. These rocks cover ca. 15% of the area, while Neoproterozoic supra crustal rocks cover ca. 30%. The most important magmatic event is that at 575 Ma, consistent with the peak of widespread transpression and synchronous high temperature metamorphism. The Neoproterozoic rocks are mostly K-enriched alkaline or transitional to calc-alkaline. Inherited Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic zircons and Nd model ages, as well as moderate to strongly negative (-21 to 9) epsilon Nd, and persistent negative anomalies for Ta-Nb, Ti and P indicate significant crustal contributions in their genesis. While a convergent setting (subduction zone) could explain the Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic units, this is not so for the Neoproterozoic rocks which mimic the geochemical and isotopic features of the older sources. In the study area, the peak of juvenile accretion (mantle derived magmas) took place in the Archaean (3.4-2.7 Ga) and Palaeproterozoic (2.4-2.11 Ga), whereas crustal recycling predominated in the Neoproterozoic. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:这项工作涉及Borborema省(BP)的Patos Lineament北部地区岩浆岩的起源和演化。巴西东北部的东北部分至少由六个不同的构造块组成,其年龄从上古宙斯时代到古元古代晚期不等。太古岩盖ca.区域的5%。它们被放置在700 Ma的时间段内,至少发生了7次岩浆事件,分别为3.41、3.36、3.25、3.18、3.12、3.03和2.69 Ga。这些岩石为亚碱性至弱碱性,对I-具有亲和力和M型岩浆;他们遵循白垩纪或钾钙碱性分化趋势。它们的εNd(t)为+1.4至-4.2,并且Ta-Nb,P和Ti呈负异常,这与构造构造的收敛一致。俯冲的洋壳和上地幔(枯竭或变质)都是岩浆的来源。经过约350 m y的时间后,发生了古元古代生代单位的大规模安置。这些岩石约占该地区的50%。他们的地球化学表明,青少年岩浆活动与地壳来源的贡献不大。这些岩石还表现出钾滑石-碱性的分化趋势,又类似于I型和M型岩浆,并且显示出Ta-Nb,Ti和P的负异常。贫化和交代的地幔,是由于在岩石中与adakitic或白垩纪的融解作用而产生的。俯冲带的设置被认为是岩浆的主要来源,主要是地壳的再循环。 U-Pb年龄表明在2.24-2.22 Ga(在某些地方大约2.4-2.3 Ga)和2.13-2.11 Ga形成了深成岩,并且在2.15 Ga形成了安山岩火山作用。同位素证据表明,青少年岩浆活动(εNd(t)为+2.9至-2.9)。经过约200 m y的时间后。一段板内岩浆活动,随后是奥罗斯(Oros)的酸性火山活动(1.79 Ga),塞里多(Serido)地区的花岗岩成岩作用(1.74 Ga),横向区的钙铁矿(1.70 Ga)和A型花岗岩(1.6 Ga)( TZ)。早新元古代的火山活动为1091 Ma,A型岩体活动为920至775 Ma,标志着TZ的陆内岩浆活动。在Serido域中,新元古代晚期记录了若干个质子化事件,分别为600-593、575-560、548-533、528-510、495-450 Ma。这些岩石覆盖约。面积的15%,而新元古代超地壳岩覆盖了大约30%。最重要的岩浆事件是在575 Ma,与广泛的压变和同步高温变质作用的峰值一致。新元古代岩石大部分富含钾,呈碱性或过渡到钙碱性。继承的古生代和古元古代锆石和Nd模型年龄,以及中度至强负(-21至9)的Nd,以及Ta-Nb,Ti和P的持续负异常表明其成因具有重要的地壳贡献。尽管会聚的环境(俯冲带)可以解释古生代和古元古代单元,但对于模仿旧源地球化学和同位素特征的新元古代岩石却不是这样。在研究区中,古生代(地幔衍生的岩浆)的吸顶高峰发生在古生界(3.4-2.7 Ga)和古生代隆隆(2.4-2.11 Ga),而地壳循环在新元古代占主导地位。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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