首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineers >Comparison between bracing requirements using various codes and a proposed new set of bracing criteria

Comparison between bracing requirements using various codes and a proposed new set of bracing criteria


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The notable increase in problems related to the bracing of tim - ber roofs clearly indicates that the time is ripe to seriously con - sider amended rules governing the design of such bracing. Burdzik et al have proposed a set of amended rules which are Founded on considering the stiffness of the bracing system as a Primary criterion. These proposed amended rules are compared With the existing bracing requirements of SABS 0163 (1994) as Well as with the requirements of the Eurocode, EC 5 (1992).
机译:与支撑木结构屋顶有关的问题显着增加,这清楚表明,认真考虑有关支撑这类设计的规则的时机已经成熟。 Burdzik等人提出了一组修订规则,这些规则是基于将支撑系统的刚度作为主要标准而建立的。将这些拟议的修订规则与SABS 0163(1994)的现有支撑要求以及欧洲法规EC 5(1992)的要求进行了比较。



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