首页> 外文期刊>Journal of soil & sediments >Quantification of seasonal sediment and phosphorus transport dynamics in an agricultural watershed using radiometric fingerprinting techniques

Quantification of seasonal sediment and phosphorus transport dynamics in an agricultural watershed using radiometric fingerprinting techniques


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Purpose Phosphorus (P) is a limiting nutrient for most US Midwestern aquatic systems and, therefore, increases of P, through point or non-point sources (NPS) of pollution such as agriculture, causes eutrophication. Identifying specific NPS contributions (e.g., upland vs. stream channels) for sediments and P is difficult due to the distributed nature of the pollution. Therefore, studies which link the spatial and temporal aspects of sediment and P transport in these systems can help better characterize the extent of NPS pollution. Materials and methods Our study used fingerprinting techniques to determine sources of sediments in an agricultural watershed (the North Fork of the Pheasant Branch watershed; 12.4 km2 area) in Wisconsin, USA, during the spring, summer, and fall seasons of 2009. The primary sources considered were uplands (cultivated fields), stream bank, and streambed. The model used fallout radionuclides, ~137Cs, and ~210Pb-xs, along with total P to determine primary sediment sources. A shorter-lived fallout radioisotope, 7Be, was used to determine the sediment age and percent new sediments in streambed and suspended sediment samples (via the 7Be/210Pbxs ratio). Results and discussion Upland areas were the primary source of suspended sediments in the stream channels followed by stream banks. The sediment age and percent new sediment for the streambed and suspended sediments showed that the channel contained and transported newer (or more recently tagged with 7Be) sediments in the spring season (9-131 days sediment age), while relatively old sediments (165-318 days) were moving through the channel system during the fall season. Conclusions Upland areas are the major contributors to in-stream suspended sediments in this watershed. Sediment resuspension in stream channels could play an important role during the later part of the year. Best management practices should be targeted in the upland areas to reduce the export of sediments and sediment-bound P from agricultural watersheds.
机译:用途磷(P)是美国中西部大多数水生系统的限制养分,因此,通过农业等点污染或非点污染源(NPS)引起的磷增加会引起富营养化。由于污染的分布特性,很难确定沉积物和磷的具体NPS贡献(例如,高地与河道)。因此,将这些系统中的沉积物和磷迁移的时空联系起来的研究可以帮助更好地表征NPS污染的程度。材料和方法我们的研究使用指纹技术确定了2009年春季,夏季和秋季的美国威斯康星州一个农业流域(野鸡分支流域北叉; 12.4平方公里)的沉积物来源。所考虑的来源是高地(耕地),河岸和河床。该模型使用了放射性核素,〜137Cs和〜210Pb-xs以及总磷来确定主要沉积物来源。使用寿命较短的放射性同位素7Be来确定流床和悬浮沉积物样品中的沉积物年龄和新沉积物的百分比(通过7Be / 210Pbxs比)。结果与讨论高地地区是河流中悬浮沉积物的主要来源,其次是河流堤岸。沉积物年龄和河床和悬浮沉积物的新沉积物百分比表明,春季(9-131天沉积物年龄)河道包含并运输了较新的(或最近被标记为7Be的)沉积物,而较旧的沉积物(165- 318天)在秋季期间通过渠道系统移动。结论高地是该流域上游悬浮泥沙的主要来源。在今年下半年,河道中的泥沙重新悬浮可能会发挥重要作用。最佳管理规范应针对高地地区,以减少农业流域的沉积物和沉积物约束的磷出口。



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