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Cockle infection by Himasthla quissetensis - II. The theoretical effects of climate change

机译:Himasthla quissetensis的ckle虫感染-II。气候变化的理论影响

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Numerous marine populations experience parasite pressure. This is the case of the cockles Cerastoderma edule which are often highly infected by trematode macroparasites. These parasites display a complex life cycle, with a succession of free-living and parasitic stages. Climate, and in particular temperature, is an important modulator of the transmission dynamics of parasites. Consequently, global change is thought to have implications for the epidemiology of infectious diseases. Using Himasthla quissetensis, a dominant parasite of cockles as 2nd intermediate host in Arcachon Bay (France), we used mathematical models of parasite emergence (cercariae) and parasite infection (metacercariae) in cockles as a function of water temperature, in order to study different scenarios of temperature increases. Globally, with a + 0.5 degrees C to + 6.0 degrees C simulation, cumulated emergence of cercariae and accumulation of metacercariae tended to decrease or stagnate, respectively. This is the consequence of a trade-off between sooner (spring) and later (autumn) cercariae emergence/infestation on one hand, and a longer inhibition period of cercariae emergence/infestation during the hottest days in summer. Using sea water temperature in Oualidia (Morocco) where mean annual sea temperature is 3 degrees C higher than in Arcachon Bay, our model predicted infestation all year long (no seasonality). The model gave a correct estimation of the total number of parasites that was expected in cockles. Conversely, observed infestation in Oualidia followed a seasonal pattern like in Arcachon Bay. These results suggest that, if temperature is a strong driver of parasite transmission, extrapolation in the framework of climate change should be performed with caution. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:许多海洋种群遭受寄生虫压力。蛤角状皮肤病就是这种情况,它们经常被线虫大寄生虫高度感染。这些寄生虫显示出复杂的生命周期,具有一系列的自由生活和寄生阶段。气候,尤其是温度,是寄生虫传播动力学的重要调节剂。因此,人们认为全球变化对传染病的流行病学有影响。为了研究不同的鸟类,我们以鸟蛤的主要寄生虫Himasthla quissetensis作为阿尔卡雄湾(法国)的第二中间宿主,使用了鸟蛤中的寄生虫出现(尾c)和寄生虫感染(metacercariae)的数学模型。温度升高的情况。在全球范围内,通过+0.5摄氏度至+6.0摄氏度的模拟,尾的累积出现和meta尾cer的积累分别趋于减少或停滞。这是一方面一方面要在较早的(春季)和较晚的(秋季)尾c的出没/侵扰之间进行权衡,另一方面是在夏季最热的日子中尾c的出没/侵扰的抑制期会更长。使用Oualidia(摩洛哥)的海水温度(年平均海水温度比Arcachon湾高3摄氏度),我们的模型预测了全年的侵扰(无季节性)。该模型对预计在鸟蛤中的寄生虫总数做出了正确的估计。相反,在瓦利迪耶(Oualidia)观察到的侵扰遵循了阿尔卡雄湾(Arcachon Bay)这样的季节性模式。这些结果表明,如果温度是寄生虫传播的重要驱动力,则应谨慎进行气候变化框架内的推断。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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