首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research >Remote controlling and monitoring of HVAC system over Internet

Remote controlling and monitoring of HVAC system over Internet


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In this study, internet-controlled heating ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) system has been proposed with programmable sleeping time and automatic operation mode, three steps fan speed unit, adjustable fan angle, a remote control device with an LCD and a web based control unit. A low cost microcontroller (MC) to control HVAC system and a PC as an Internet server are used. The system has three different control units (remote control by a hand-device, keypad control mounted on HVAC, and web based control). Each control unit has same menu options for users. A data acquisition board provides communication between server and MC. A webcam is used to monitor HVAC parameters and room environment remotely over the Internet. The system uses HTTP protocol to control devices. Proposed web based control method remotely works for long distance. As HVAC systems have high voltage, driver circuits with opto-couplers have been used for safety of the system.



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