首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Safety Research >Participation in driver education/training courses during graduated driver licensing, and the effect of a time-discount on subsequent traffic offenses: Findings from the New Zealand Drivers Study

Participation in driver education/training courses during graduated driver licensing, and the effect of a time-discount on subsequent traffic offenses: Findings from the New Zealand Drivers Study


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Introduction: The New Zealand GDL includes a time-discount at the restricted license stage, for attendance at an approved driver education course. This is despite international evidence showing that earlier licensure associated with a time-discount can increase risk for newly licensed drivers. Objective: To examine participation in driver education courses and especially those that qualify for a time-discount; compare the profiles of course participants with non-participants; examine reasons for participation; and examine the association between a time-discount and traffic offenses once fully licensed. Method: This study was based on the New Zealand Drivers Study (NZDS), a prospective cohort study of newly licensed drivers. Data on driver education courses were obtained at the full license interview (n = 1763), driver license and traffic offense data from the NZ Driver Licence Registry, and other data at the NZDS interviews. Results: 94% had heard of and 49% (n = 868) participated in a defensive driving course (DDC). No other course had more than 1% participation. Compared with the others, the DDC group were young, non-Maori, and from an area of relatively low deprivation. Through GDL, the DDC group were relatively more compliant with the conditions, and less likely to crash or receive a traffic offense notice. The groups did not differ on personality, alcohol and drug use. The reason most (85%) attended a DDC was to get their full license sooner; 86% (n = 748) received a time-discount. The time-discount group were 40% more likely to receive a traffic offense notice on their full license; this reduced to 10% after controlling for other factors. Conclusion and practical implications: The results of this study, when viewed in conjunction with other NZ crash evidence, indicate that a time-discount should not be given for completing a DDC or Street Talk course. (C) 2015 National Safety Council and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:简介:新西兰GDL包括在受限驾照阶段的时间折扣,用于参加批准的驾驶员培训课程。尽管有国际证据表明,与时间折扣相关的较早执照会增加新获得许可的驾驶员的风险。目的:检查参加驾驶员培训课程,尤其是那些有时间折扣资格的课程;比较课程参与者和非参与者的概况;检查参与的原因;并在获得充分许可后检查时间折扣与交通违法行为之间的关联。方法:本研究基于新西兰驾驶员研究(NZDS),这是一项对新获得许可的驾驶员进行的前瞻性队列研究。有关驾驶​​员培训课程的数据是在完整驾照面试(n = 1763),NZ驾照注册处的驾照和交通违法数据以及NZDS面试中获得的。结果:听说过94%的防御驾驶课程(DDC)和49%(n = 868)参加过。没有其他课程的参与率超过1%。与其他国家相比,DDC组是年轻的非毛利人,来自贫困程度相对较低的地区。通过GDL,DDC组相对更符合条件,并且不太可能崩溃或收到交通违规通知。这些人群在性格,饮酒和吸毒方面没有差异。大多数(85%)参加DDC的原因是为了尽快获得正式许可证。 86%(n = 748)获得了时间折扣。限时打折人群在其完整驾照上收到交通违法通知的可能性要高40%;在控制了其他因素之后,这一比例降低到了10%。结论和实际意义:结合其他NZ碰撞证据来看,本研究的结果表明,不应为完成DDC或街头谈话课程而设置时间折扣。 (C)2015国家安全委员会和Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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