首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Safety Research >Young driver risk in relation to parents' retrospective driving record

Young driver risk in relation to parents' retrospective driving record


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Problem: Parents are an important potential influence on the driving safety of their children. This study examined the relationship of parental driving record on male and female offspring's at-fault collision risk. Method: Drivers aged 16-21 on the date of full licensure were selected from driver records and a matching process was used to identify putative parents in two-parent households. Poisson regression models were developed to predict at-fault collisions of male and female youth in the three years following full licensure from parents' at-fault collisions, speeding offenses, and other moving offenses in the four years prior to children's licensure. One set of models examined the relative risk associated with increasing numbers of maternal and paternal at-fault collisions and offenses. Other models examined the joint versus separate maternal and parental contributions. Results: Controlling for region of residence, both mothers' and fathers' at-fault collisions were associated with an increased risk in both male and female youth at-fault collisions. Mothers' and fathers' speeding offenses were also associated with increased relative risk of at-fault collisions for both sons and daughters, while fathers' other moving offenses increased collision risk for sons but not daughters. Discussion: Further research is required to identify how parental driving risk is transmitted to children. Impact on Industry: (a) Parents of young children should be informed of their role in influencing their children's future driving risk; (b) The results identify risk factors that could be of interest to licensing authorities and the insurance industry.
机译:问题:父母对孩子的驾驶安全有重要的潜在影响。这项研究检查了父母驾驶记录与男女后代发生过错碰撞风险的关系。方法:从驾驶执照中选择年龄在16-21岁之间的驾驶员,并使用匹配过程来识别两亲家庭中的假定父母。建立了Poisson回归模型,以预测在获得儿童完全许可之前的父母的过错碰撞,超速驾驶和其他移动违法行为获得完全许可后的三年内,男女青少年的过失碰撞。一组模型检查了与母亲和父亲断层碰撞和犯罪次数增加相关的相对风险。其他模型检查了联合和独立的母亲和父母的贡献。结果:控制居住区域,父母双方的过失碰撞都与男性和女性青年过失碰撞的风险增加有关。母亲和父亲的超速驾驶犯罪也与儿子和女儿的过错碰撞的相对危险性增加有关,而父亲的其他移动犯罪则增加了儿子而非女儿的碰撞危险。讨论:需要进一步研究以确定父母的驾驶风险如何传播给孩子。对行业的影响:(a)应告知年幼的父母其影响孩子未来驾驶风险的作用; (b)结果确定了发牌当局和保险业可能感兴趣的风险因素。



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