首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >Knowledge of the Art of Governance: The Mughal and Ottoman Empires in the Early Seventeenth Century

Knowledge of the Art of Governance: The Mughal and Ottoman Empires in the Early Seventeenth Century


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Abstract This article seeks to reconstruct the prevailing concepts, images and principles that framed sovereign governance in the Mughal and Ottoman empires in the early seventeenth century. Little is known about the subject. To help fill the gap, two contemporaneous advice-to-kings treatises—one Mughal by ʿAbd al-Ḥaqq Dihlavī, one Ottoman by Koçi Bey—are analysed in juxtaposition. Such an analysis, never previously undertaken, is motivated and guided by a novel approach. In this approach, a model founded on near-universal conditions and problems is deployed within a regional perspective. The findings which result advance our understanding of the art of governance in the Mughal and Ottoman empires of the time. But they have a larger importance, too. They move us closer to achieving a break with the decline paradigm, whose logic still persists in mainstream interpretations. They also contribute to a more recent, and rapidly developing, interest in a region spanning much of South Asia and the Middle East that was formative for the global genesis of the modern world.
机译:摘要本文旨在重建在第十七世纪初的莫尔瓦尔和奥斯曼帝国在莫卧儿和奥斯曼帝国诬陷的现行概念,图像和原则。对这个问题知之甚少。为了帮助填补差距,两名同时咨询到国王论文 - 一个奥尔巴德·ḥQQdihlavō,一个奥斯曼·奥斯曼,在并置。这种分析从未进行过,是由一种新的方法激励和指导。在这种方法中,在区域视角下部署了一个基于近乎普遍条件和问题的模型。调查结果推进了我们对莫卧儿和奥斯曼帝国的治理艺术的认识。但他们也有更重要的意义。他们越来越越来越靠近衰退范式的休息,其逻辑仍然存在于主流解释中。他们还有助于更近期,迅速发展,在跨越南亚和中东地区的一个地区的兴趣,这是形成现代世界的全球创世纪的形成性。



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