首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >'insolence And Pride': Problems With The Representation Of The South-east Asian Portuguese Communities In Alexander Hamilton's 'a New Account Of The East Indies' (1727)

'insolence And Pride': Problems With The Representation Of The South-east Asian Portuguese Communities In Alexander Hamilton's 'a New Account Of The East Indies' (1727)

机译:“狂妄自大”:亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)的《东印度新记述》(1727)中东南亚葡萄牙社区代表制的问题

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One of the most influential European printed sources on South-East Asia at the turn of the eighteenth century was the Scottish sea-captain Alexander Hamilton's memoirs. The picture he paints of the Portuguese communities that had existed since the period of Portuguese ascendancy in the sixteenth century is overwhelmingly negative. But a close textual and empirical analysis of his text shows that not only was he frequently misinformed in terms of the historical developments relating to that community, but that he merely conforms to a set of standard rhetorical tropes we can associate with the Black Legend, which had grown up in Protestant countries of northern Europe since the 16th century to denigrate Portugal and her achievements. This article urges that this key text consequently be used with far greater circumspection than has hitherto been the case.
机译:十八世纪初,在东南亚最具影响力的欧洲印刷资料之一是苏格兰船长亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton)的回忆录。他描绘了自十六世纪葡萄牙统治以来一直存在的葡萄牙社区的照片,绝大多数都是负面的。但是,对他的文本进行仔细的文本和实证分析表明,他不仅经常误解与该社区有关的历史发展,而且他只符合我们可以与《黑色传奇》联系在一起的一系列标准修辞格。自16世纪以来,她在北欧的新教国家长大,以to毁葡萄牙及其成就。因此,本文敦促人们以比以往更大的谨慎度使用此关键文本。



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