首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the royal Asiatic society >Foreign Land Holdings in Iran 1828 to 1911

Foreign Land Holdings in Iran 1828 to 1911


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The issue of the purchase of land in one country, in this case Iran, by other countries, in this case Britain and Russia, is one of great significance because of light it may throw on the strength or weakness of national sovereignty, and the ways and degree to which it may be undermined.~1 It can also show the strategies deployed by the country challenged to protect its territorial integrity, as here in the case of Iran. The intricacies of foreign landownership patterns thus have implications for international relations, on which they can provide telling detail in terms of contemporary power politics. The details of land purchase also demonstrate considerable differences as between the two outside powers involved in terms of their objectives in Iran, and thus challenge a tendency in the literature to see them as similar.
机译:一个国家(在此情况下为伊朗)在其他国家(在此情况下为英国和俄罗斯)购买土地的问题具有重大意义,因为它可能会影响国家主权的强弱和方式, 〜1它也可以显示受到挑战的国家为保护其领土完整而采取的战略,例如伊朗。因此,外国土地所有权模式的错综复杂对国际关系产生了影响,它们可以在当代权力政治方面提供有说服力的细节。土地购买的细节还表明,在涉及伊朗的目标方面,这两个外部大国之间存在着很大的差异,因此挑战了文献中将它们视为相似的趋势。



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