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'When Red Pigeons Gathered on Tang's House': A Warring States Period Tale of Shamanic Possession and Building Construction set at the turn of the Xia and Shang Dynasties


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"When Red Pigeons Gathered on Tang's House" (Chi jiu zhi ji Tang zhi wu 赤鯦之集湯之屋) is a Warring States period bamboo manuscript written in the script of the Chu state. It concerns figures that are well known in historical legend: Tang 湯, the founder of the Shang dynasty; his wife; his minister Yi Yin 伊尹, here called by the title xiaochen 小臣 [minor servitor]; and the last king of the Xia dynasty, here called simply the Xia Lord (xia hou 夏后). These figures have their familiar identities, but the tale recorded in the manuscript is unique and has no apparent political or philosophical import. The protagonist, Xiaochen, is Tang's cook, but he does not play the role of founding minister raised up by a future king. Moreover, he is associated with a nexus of motifs associated with shamans, including spirit possession. He acquires clairvoyance after eating a soup of magic red birds (jiu 鳩, [pigeons] or hu 鵠 [cranes]) intended for Tang. After fleeing from an angry Tang, he is possessed by a spirit-medium raven. He then cures the illness of the Xia Lord by having him move his house and kill the yellow snakes and white rabbits under his bed. One rabbit escapes and the story concludes that this is why parapets are placed on houses, suggesting that the context of the story was the construction of a building. Thus, it may have been similar to a historiola, narrated in a ritual to sanctify houses after the placement of the parapet, thus preventing illness among the inhabitants. Chi jiu zhi ji Tang zhi wu 赤鯦之集湯之屋 [When red pigeons gathered on Tang's House] is a bamboo-slip manuscript of the Warring States period (475-222 bce) written in the script of the southern state of Chu 楚, now in the Tsinghua University collection. It concerns figures that are well known in early Chinese literature: Tang 湯, the founder of the Shang dynasty; his wife; his minister Yi Yin 伊尹, here called by the title xiaochen 小臣 ("minor servitor"); and the last king of the Xia dynasty, here called simply the Xia Lord (xia hou 夏后). The main part of the manuscript is a tale in which Xiaochen (Yi Yin) is possessed by a spirit medium in the form of a raven and cures the illness of the Xia Lord. This account of spirit possession is unique in pre-Han literature. Moreover, although the actors are frequently found in accounts of early Chinese history, the story has no apparent political or philosophical import and concludes as an explanation about an architectural feature on houses. I will argue below that it is similar to "historiolae" that construct narratives based upon known mythical figures to legitimise and give power to ritual acts - in this case, a rite associated with house construction. In the following, I will first discuss some physical aspects of this bamboo-slip manuscript and its relationship to two other manuscripts in the Tsinghua collection with which it was bound, Yin zhi 尹至 and Yin gao 尹誥. I will then translate Chi jiu zhi ji Tang zhi wu (hereafter abbreviated as Chi jiu) into English. This will be followed by a review of Yi Yin's conventional role in early texts as a founding minister and an explication of the text of the manuscript.
机译:“当红鸽聚集在唐家时”(Chi jiu zhi ji Tang zhi wu赤鯦之集汤之屋)是战国时期的竹制手抄本,写在楚国的手稿上。它涉及到历史传说中众所周知的人物:商汤的创始人唐汤;他的老婆;部长伊尹·伊尹(Yi Yin伊尹),在这里被称为小臣小臣[xiao servitor];以及夏朝的最后一位国王,在这里简称为夏侯(xia hou夏后)。这些人物具有熟悉的身份,但手稿中记录的故事是独特的,没有明显的政治或哲学意义。主角小臣是唐的厨师,但他没有扮演由未来国王抚养的开国大臣的角色。此外,他还与萨满巫师(包括精神财产)相关联的主题关联。他吃了汤专用的魔力红鸟汤(九鸠,[pigeons]或hu cra [cranes])后获得了千里眼。从愤怒的唐逃离后,他被一个精神中等的乌鸦所迷住。然后,他让他搬家并杀死他床下的黄色蛇和白兔子,从而治愈了侠爵的病。一只兔子逃脱了,这个故事得出结论,这就是为什么将栏杆放在房屋上的原因,这表明故事的背景是建筑物的建造。因此,它可能类似于历史学家,在仪式中叙述了在放置栏杆后将房屋成圣,从而防止居民生病。赤鯦之集汤之屋[当唐鸽聚集红鸽时]是战国(公元前475-222年)的竹简手抄本,写在楚国南部楚,现在在清华大学收藏。它涉及中国早期文学中众所周知的人物:商汤的创始人唐汤;他的老婆;部长伊因·伊尹(Yi Yin伊尹),在这里被称为小臣小臣(xiaochen小臣);以及夏朝的最后一位国王,在这里简称为夏侯(xia hou夏后)。该手稿的主要部分是一个故事,其中以乌鸦的形式被灵媒占有,并治愈了夏公爵的病。这种精神占有的描述在汉前文学中是独一无二的。此外,尽管演员通常是在中国早期历史中被发现的,但该故事并没有明显的政治或哲学意义,因此可以作为对房屋建筑特征的一种解释。我将在下面争论,它类似于“ historiolae”,它基于已知的神话人物来构造叙事,以使仪式行为合法化并赋予其权力-在这种情况下,这与房屋建造有关。在下文中,我将首先讨论该竹简手稿的一些物理方面,以及与之绑定的清华藏品中的另外两个手稿“ Yin zhi尹至”和“ Yin gao尹诰”之间的关系。然后,我将把“ Chi Jiu zhi ji Tang Zhi wu”(以下简称“ Chi jiu”)翻译成英文。随后,将对易音在早期文本中作为创始大臣的传统角色进行回顾,并对手稿的文本进行说明。



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