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Cue-recognition effects in the assessment of movie trailers


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In the past, the role of recognition in inferential choice has often been investigated within the recognition heuristic (RH) that focuses on the recognition of options. In the present study Ⅰ investigate instead whether the recognition of a cue influences the assessment of movie trailers. This extension of the RH to cues provides important and more comprehensive insights into recognition in everyday decision-making. One hundred and eighty-eight participants were randomly assigned to one paired comparison and had to decide which of two movie trailers (Epic and The Croods) was about to become more successful. AH pairwise comparisons consisted of the same two unknown animated movie trailers. They differed merely from a fade-in of a short unknown or known movie title (e.g., "From the makers of Ice Age"). The central objective of this study was to test whether or not the participants judged movie trailers to be more successful and likeable when associated with the famous movie title and thus decide on the basis of the recognition of this cue. In fact, it was shown that people in this context often revert to this recognition cue. However, the prerequisite for this effect was that the faded-in title should be appropriate for the trailer. Furthermore the preference of animated films was identified as a key factor. Volunteers who liked animated films less, often decided due to the recognized cue. Moreover it is shown that participants increasingly use the recognized cue to decide if they specify a preference and high success for this faded-in movie.
机译:过去,识别在推理选择中的作用经常在识别启发法(RH)中进行研究,该启发法侧重于选项的识别。在本研究Ⅰ中,我们研究提示的识别是否会影响电影预告片的评估。 RH到提示的扩展为日常决策中的识别提供了重要且更全面的见解。 188个参与者被随机分配给一对配对,并不得不决定两个电影预告片(Epic和The Croods)中的哪个将变得更加成功。 AH成对比较由相同的两个未知动画电影预告片组成。它们的区别仅在于淡入淡出的未知或已知电影标题(例如,“来自冰河世纪的制作者”)。这项研究的主要目的是测试参与者是否判断电影预告片与著名的电影标题相关联时是否更成功,更讨人喜欢,从而根据对这一线索的认识做出决定。实际上,事实证明,在这种情况下,人们经常会恢复到这种认识线索。但是,此效果的前提条件是淡入淡出的标题应适合预告片。此外,动画电影的喜好被确定为关键因素。不喜欢动画电影的志愿者通常是由于公认的提示而决定的。此外,表明参与者越来越多地使用识别的提示来决定他们是否为该淡入淡出的电影指定了喜好和高度成功。



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