首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Religion and Health >What Do Chaplains Contribute to Large Academic Hospitals? The Perspectives of Pediatric Physicians and Chaplains

What Do Chaplains Contribute to Large Academic Hospitals? The Perspectives of Pediatric Physicians and Chaplains


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This article analyzes interviews with pediatric physicians (N = 30) and chaplains (N = 22) who work at the same large academic medical centers (N = 13). We ask how pediatric physicians understand and work with chaplains and how chaplains describe their own work. We find that physicians see chaplains as part of interdisciplinary medical teams where they perform rituals and support patients and families, especially around death. Chaplains agree but frame their contributions in terms of the perspectives related to wholeness, presence, and healing they bring. Chaplains have a broader sense of what they contribute to patient care than do physicians.
机译:本文分析了在同一大型学术医疗中心(N = 13)工作的儿科医生(N = 30)和牧师(N = 22)的访谈。我们问儿科医生如何理解牧师并与牧师合作,牧师如何描述自己的工作。我们发现医师将牧师视为跨学科医疗团队的一部分,他们在该团队中执行仪式并支持患者和家人,尤其是在死亡周围。牧师同意,但从与他们带来的整体性,存在和康复相关的角度来构想他们的贡献。牧师比医生更了解他们对患者护理的贡献。



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