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Reining in the Competition for Capital


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governments offer all kinds of incentives (tax reductions, mainly, but there are other types) to firms in order to induce location in their jurisdictions. As the title indicates, the general theme of these essays is that there is entirely too much of it going on. The essays can be divided roughly into two types. The first set are concerned with the consequences (largely seen as negative) of the competition for capital and how those came about. Both the introductory essay by Ann Markusen and Katherine Nesse, and the second, by Kenneth Thomas, highlight the increasing ability of firms to attain leverage in the bargaining process. Capital is mobile, and increasingly so, in part because of the changing physical nature of that capital. Both chapters also emphasize the "market for investment" (as Thomas calls it) and the increased role of "location brokers" who facilitate deals between firms and localities. These brokers are seen as a device that allows firms to implicitly share information and increase their market power, to the detriment of localities. Thomas also argues that other local policy initiatives, like antipollution laws, will increase firm bargaining power, though it would seem that such actions drive firms away, which is the point of such legislation, and would in any case, increase the bargaining power of locations that do not enact such laws. Peter Fisher puts capital competition in the context of what he sees as a larger movement that benefits conservative ideology. He points to the generalized fall in corporate taxation, and broader political movements to cut government spending, lower taxes, and limit redistribution. It seems to be his concern that localized capital competition is merely a stalking horse for those other goals.
机译:政府为公司提供各种激励措施(主要是减税,但还有其他类型的激励措施),以诱使公司在其管辖范围内进驻。如标题所示,这些论文的总主题是,进行的事情太多了。论文可以大致分为两种类型。第一组涉及资本竞争的后果(通常被认为是负面的)以及这些后果是如何产生的。 Ann Markusen和Katherine Nesse的介绍性文章以及Kenneth Thomas的第二篇都强调了公司在议价过程中获得杠杆作用的能力不断增强。资本是可移动的,并且越来越可移动,部分原因是该资本的物质性质不断变化。这两章都强调了“投资市场”(正如托马斯所说的)以及“位置经纪人”在促进公司与地方之间交易方面的作用。这些经纪人被视为允许公司隐式共享信息并增加其市场支配力的手段,从而损害了地方。托马斯还争辩说,其他地方政策举措(例如反污染法律)将提高公司的议价能力,尽管这些行动似乎将公司驱逐出境,这是此类立法的重点,并且在任何情况下都将提高地区的议价能力。没有颁布这样的法律。彼得·费舍尔(Peter Fisher)将资本竞争放在他认为有利于保守主义意识形态的更大运动的背景下。他指出,公司税收普遍下降,为了减少政府开支,降低税收和限制再分配,出现了广泛的政治运动。他担心的是,本地化的资本竞争仅仅是实现其他目标的追赶者。



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