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Is agricultural policy promoting a new role for farmers? A case study


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European Agenda 2000 considers the integration of environment in CAP and the role farmers can play on natural resources management. Alternative tillage technologies to seed cereals play an important economic and environmental role on the development of a sustainable agriculture and its adoption may depend on the agricultural policy, particularly policies on income support. The results obtained clearly show that the use of alternative soil tillage technologies would be promoted by the change of supports from the first to the second pillar of CAP and we can conclude that, in general, this change will encourage a faster technological adoption.
机译:《 2000年欧洲议程》考虑了在CAP中整合环境,以及农民在自然资源管理中可以发挥的作用。谷物替代耕种技术在可持续农业发展中起着重要的经济和环境作用,其采用可能取决于农业政策,特别是关于收入支持的政策。获得的结果清楚地表明,从CAP的第一支柱到第二支柱的支持的改变,将促进替代性耕作技术的使用,并且我们可以得出结论,总体而言,这种改变将鼓励更快地采用技术。



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