首页> 外文期刊>Journal of policy modeling >Devaluing the dollar: A critical analysis of William Cline's case for a New Plaza Agreement

Devaluing the dollar: A critical analysis of William Cline's case for a New Plaza Agreement

机译:贬值美元:威廉·克莱恩(William Cline)关于新广场协议的案例的批判性分析

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In his new book "The United States as a Debtor Nation" William Cline estimates that a 28% real effective real depreciation of the U.S. dollar would reduce the U.S. current account deficit from a projected 7.5% of GDP to 3% of GDP. We argue that his projection, which is based on an elasticities model of the U.S. balance of trade, is highly misleading. First downward deflationary pressure on overall foreign price levels from currency appreciation is not incorporated. Second, the negative impact of appreciation on foreign income and absorption is absent. Third, complementary and necessary adjustments in monetary and fiscal policies in the U.S. and its trading partners are not explicitly incorporated into Cline's econometric framework. We conclude that the impact of massive dollar devaluation on the U.S. trade deficit would be ambiguous, but that the macroeconomic stability of the world economy could be seriously undermined.
机译:威廉·克莱恩(William Cline)在他的新书《美国作为债务国》中估计,实际有效美元实际贬值28%,会使美国的经常账户赤字从预计的GDP的7.5%减少到GDP的3%。我们认为,基于美国贸易平衡的弹性模型的他的预测是极具误导性的。首先,没有考虑到由于货币升值而对总体外国价格水平造成的向下通缩压力。其次,不存在升值对外国收入和吸收的负面影响。第三,美国及其贸易伙伴对货币和财政政策的补充性和必要的调整未明确纳入Cline的计量经济学框架。我们得出的结论是,美元大幅贬值对美国贸易赤字的影响将是模棱两可的,但世界经济的宏观经济稳定性可能会受到严重破坏。



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