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The U.S. current account deficit and public policy


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The late Herb Stein, Chairman of President Richard Nixon's Council of Economic Advisers, once famously quipped that "something that's growing too fast forever will stop". And so it is with the high and rising U.S. current account deficit relative to GDP. That ratio cannot rise forever, but many possibilities exist for adjustment. Where economists in the academic and policymaking communities can be particularly useful is in defining what our concerns should be about the U.S. current account deficit. This essay focuses on three principal questions. First, from an economic perspective, how should we frame worries about the size of the U.S. current account deficit? Second, understanding economic forces behind the current account deficit, how large is the deficit likely to be before adjustments take place to reduce its size? Third, what guidance does economic analysis offer for U.S. policy? This third question is of particular interest, as present policy discussion 25 contains as much mischief as useful guidance. After reviewing the steps policymakers should not take, I focus on two questions, which should be of particular relevance. To wit: Is there a role for fiscal policy toward U.S. household saving? And, what role might fundamental tax reform play? I conclude with some questions for economic analysis.
机译:理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)总统经济顾问委员会主席已故的赫伯·斯坦(Herb Stein)曾打趣地说,“永远增长太快的事情将停止”。美国经常账户赤字相对于GDP的高企和上升也是如此。该比率不能永远提高,但是存在许多调整的可能性。学术界和政策制定界的经济学家特别有用的地方在于,确定我们对美国经常账户赤字的关注。本文重点讨论三个主要问题。首先,从经济学的角度来看,我们应该如何对美国经常账户赤字的规模构成担忧?第二,了解经常账户赤字背后的经济力量,在进行调整以减少赤字规模之前,赤字可能有多大?第三,经济分析为美国政策提供了哪些指导?第三个问题特别令人感兴趣,因为当前的政策讨论25包含与有用指南一样多的恶作剧。在回顾了政策制定者不应该采取的步骤之后,我将重点讨论两个问题,这两个问题应该特别相关。机智:针对美国家庭储蓄的财政政策是否有作用?而且,基本税制改革将发挥什么作用?最后,我对经济分析提出了一些问题。



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