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A new challenge to economic science: Global model simulation


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The FUGI (Futures of Clobal terdependence) global modeling system has been developed as a scientific policy modeling and future simulation tool of providing global information to the human society and finding out possibilities of policy co-ordination among countries in order to achieve sustainable development of the global economy co-existing on the planet Earth in the ever changing universe. The FUGI global model M200 classifies the world into 200 countries/regions where each national/regional model is globally interdependent. Each national/regional model has nine subsystems as population, foods, energy, environment, economic development, peace and security, human right, healthcare and quality of life (IT revolution). This is a super complex dynamic system model using integrated multidisciplinary systems analysis where number of structural equations is over 170,000. Economic model as a core includes major economic variables such as production of GDP, employment, expenditures of GDP, income distribution, prices, money, interest rates and financial assets, government finance, international balance of payments, international finance, foreign exchange rates and development indicators.rnThe purpose of this article is twofold, namely to provide information on a new frontier science of economics: global model simulation as well as appropriate policy exercise for sustainable development of the interdependent global economy. The world economy is facing "green" energy revolution to change from fossil to create alternative energy and energy saving technology against sky rocketing higher oil prices. Japan takes a lead in this field of technology innovation. Under such circumstances, Japan should take an initiative to create a new peaceful world through not only harmonized adjustments of Japanese economic policy but also wise cosmic mind to promote human solidarity with the ever changing nature will be desirable to adjust orbit of the fluctuated global economy. Japan should challenge for a new strategy to accelerate economic growth rates by "CO_2 reducing environment investment" based on technology innovations.
机译:FUGI(全球/相互依存的未来)全球建模系统已被开发为一种科学的政策建模和未来的模拟工具,可以向人类社会提供全球信息,并找出各国之间政策协调的可能性,以实现可持续发展。全球经济在不断变化的宇宙中共存。 FUGI全球模型M200将世界划分为200个国家/地区,每个国家/地区模型在全球都是相互依赖的。每个国家/地区模型都有9个子系统,分别是人口,食品,能源,环境,经济发展,和平与安全,人权,医疗保健和生活质量(IT革命)。这是一个使用综合多学科系统分析的超复杂动态系统模型,其中结构方程的数量超过170,000。以经济模型为核心的主要经济变量包括GDP的产生,就业,GDP的支出,收入分配,价格,货币,利率和金融资产,政府财政,国际收支,国际金融,汇率和发展指标。本文的目的是双重的,即提供有关新的经济学前沿科学的信息:全局模型模拟以及为相互依存的全球经济的可持续发展提供适当的政策措施。世界经济正面临着“绿色”能源革命,要从化石转变为创造替代能源和节能技术,以应对飞涨的油价。日本在技术创新领域处于领先地位。在这种情况下,日本不仅应通过日本经济政策的协调调整来采取主动行动,以建立一个新的和平世界,而且还需要明智的宇宙思维来促进人类团结与不断变化的性质,这将是调整动荡的全球经济轨道所希望的。日本应该挑战一项基于技术创新的“ CO_2减少环境投资”来加速经济增长的新战略。



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