首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Plant Research >Homogeneous genetic structure and variation in tree architecture of Larix kaempferi along altitudinal gradients on Mt. Fuji

Homogeneous genetic structure and variation in tree architecture of Larix kaempferi along altitudinal gradients on Mt. Fuji

机译:华北落叶松(Larix kaempferi)树种结构的均匀遗传结构及其沿海拔梯度的变化。富士

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Variations in tree architecture and in the genetic structure of Larix kaempferi on Mt. Fuji were surveyed along altitudinal gradients using 11 nSSR loci. In total, 249 individuals from six populations along three trails at altitudes ranging from approximately 1,300 to 2,700 m were investigated. Gradual changes in tree architecture with increasing elevation, from erect trees to flag trees and krummholz mats, were observed in the high-altitude populations (>2,000 m) on all trails. These findings suggest that tree architecture is correlated with the severe environmental conditions associated with increasing elevation, such as strong winds. In contrast to obvious variations in tree architecture, the genetic diversity of populations along the trails was almost uniform (H E = 0.717–0.762) across the altitudinal range. The results of the AMOVA and STRUCTURE analyses, and the analysis for isolation by distance pattern, suggest homogeneous genetic structuring across all populations on Mt. Fuji, while the pairwise F ST showed barriers to gene flow between altitudinal populations that were demarcated as high- or low-altitude populations by Abies-Tsuga forest. Although the evergreen coniferous forests on the mountainside may hinder gene flow, this may be explained by the long-distance seed dispersal of the Japanese larch and/or a short population history resulting from eruptions or slush avalanches, although evergreen coniferous forests on the mountainside may hinder gene flow.
机译:山地落叶松(Larix kaempferi)树木结构和遗传结构的变化。使用11个nSSR位点沿着海拔梯度对富士进行了调查。总共调查了来自六个种群的249个个体,这些个体沿着海拔3300到2700 m的三个小径进行了调查。在所有小径上的高海拔人口(> 2,000 m)中,观察到树木结构随海拔的升高而逐渐变化,从直立的树木到旗状的树木和克鲁姆霍兹垫。这些发现表明,树木结构与与海拔升高相关的恶劣环境条件(例如强风)相关。与树木结构的明显变化相反,沿径迹种群的遗传多样性在整个高度范围内几乎是均匀的(H E = 0.717–0.762)。 AMOVA和STRUCTURE分析的结果以及按距离模式进行的隔离分析表明,山上所有种群的遗传结构均一。富士山,而成对的F <​​sub> ST 则显示了由Abies-Tsuga森林划定为高海拔或低海拔种群的高海拔种群之间基因流动的障碍。尽管山腰上的常绿针叶林可能会阻碍基因流动,但这可以用日本落叶松的长距离种子散布和/或火山喷发或雪崩引起的人口历史短来解释,尽管山腰上的常绿针叶林可能阻碍基因流动。



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