首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physical Oceanography >An Analysis of the Klemp and Durran Radiation Boundary Condition as Applied to Dissipative Internal Waves

An Analysis of the Klemp and Durran Radiation Boundary Condition as Applied to Dissipative Internal Waves


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Numerical simulations of the oceanic (atmospheric) boundary layer are complicated by the need to specify appropriate "outflow" or "radiation" boundary conditions at the artificial lower (upper) boundary of the computational domain. If the boundary layer is stratified, particular care is necessary to insure that internal-gravity-wave disturbances generated within the domain are not artificially reflected by the computational boundary. A major advance was made almost 20 years ago by Klemp and Durran: their radiation condition relates the Fourier transformed pressure fluctuation to the Fourier transformed vertical-velocity perturbation along the artificial boundary. Because it is local in time, the Klemp and Durran (KD) condition is easily incorporated into a wide variety of numerical models for only a minor computational expense. Indeed, it has been widely used in the atmospheric and oceanic sciences communities. For simulations of dissipative systems, however, perturbation-flux conditions must also be specified at the artificial boundary―these are in addition to the KD condition (or some other constraint) on the normal velocity component at that boundary. This article considers the performance of the KD condition in conjunction with zero perturbation stress and zero perturbation buoyancy-flux conditions ("KDZ" conditions, collectively), because the latter are generally assumed to be appropriate for simulations of boundary layer phenomena. Analysis of the response of a weakly dissipative, uniformly stratified fluid to forcing concentrated at a given depth reveals two potentially serious drawbacks of the KDZ conditions. First, nonhy-drostatic dynamics are not adequately treated by the KD condition, itself. Moreover, the imposition of zero perturbation-flux conditions causes artificial boundary layers to form along the outflow boundary. Although these boundary layers are passive, they are unlikely to be resolved in numerical simulations; thus, discretization of the KDZ conditions may cause further errors in the simulated internal-wave dynamics. A consistent set of boundary conditions for simulations of dissipative, stratified fluids is proposed.
机译:由于需要在计算域的人工下(上)边界处指定适当的“流出”或“辐射”边界条件,因此海洋(大气)边界层的数值模拟变得复杂。如果边界层是分层的,则需要特别注意确保在域内生成的内部重力波干扰不会被计算边界人为地反映出来。大约20年前,克莱普(Klemp)和杜兰(Durran)取得了重大进步:他们的辐射条件将傅立叶变换后的压力波动与沿人工边界的傅立叶变换后的垂直速度扰动联系起来。由于时间是局部的,因此只需少量的计算费用,即可轻松将Klemp和Durran(KD)条件合并到各种数值模型中。实际上,它已被广泛用于大气和海洋科学界。然而,对于耗散系统的模拟,还必须在人工边界上指定扰动通量条件,这些条件是该边界上法向速度分量的KD条件(或其他约束)之外的。本文考虑了KD条件与零摄动应力和零摄动浮力-通量条件(统称为“ KDZ”条件)一起的性能,因为通常认为后者适用于边界层现象的模拟。对弱耗散,均匀分层的流体对强迫浓缩到给定深度的响应的分析揭示了KDZ条件的两个潜在的严重缺陷。首先,KD条件本身并未充分处理非静力学。此外,施加零扰动通量条件会导致人造边界层沿流出边界形成。尽管这些边界层是被动的,但它们不太可能在数值模拟中得到解决。因此,KDZ条件的离散化可能会导致模拟的内部波动力学进一步出错。提出了用于耗散分层流体模拟的一致边界条件集。



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