首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physical Oceanography >Comments on 'A New Theory for the Generation of the Equatorial Subsurface Countercurrents'

Comments on 'A New Theory for the Generation of the Equatorial Subsurface Countercurrents'


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From a numerical simulation of the Atlantic Ocean, Jochum and Malanotte-Rizzoli provide evidence that the equatorial subsurface Countercurrents can be triggered by tropical instability waves through eddy-mean flow interactions in a low-Rossby-number regime. Adapting the transformed Eulerian mean formalism to a shoaling jet, they propose eddy heat fluxes to be the driving mechanism for the subsurface Countercurrents. Here it is shown that such a formalism relying on the existence of a residual meridional streamfunc-tion cannot be applied to a shoaling jet, so that the eddy heat fluxes term in the zonal momentum equation cannot be rigorously justified. Moreover, the role of the zonal pressure gradient that was dropped in their study needs to be reassessed. Despite this mathematical questioning of Jochum and Malanotte-Rizzoli's framework, the authors agree with them that eddy heat fluxes may contribute to the dynamics of the subsurface Countercurrents.



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