首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physical Oceanography >Three-dimensional Structure Of Tropical Cells In The Central Equatorial Pacific Ocean

Three-dimensional Structure Of Tropical Cells In The Central Equatorial Pacific Ocean


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The shallow tropical cells (TCs) in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean are characterized by strong equatorial upwelling, near-surface wind-driven poleward flow, downwelling near the cold tongue boundaries, and equatorward flow below the surface mixed layer. Meridional and vertical velocity fluctuations associated with tropical instability waves (TIWs) in the central equatorial Pacific are much larger than those associated with the TCs and can modify the background circulation. OGCM experiments are used to simulate the spinup of the cells along 140°W in response to perturbed trade winds during various phases of the annual cycle. Equatorially modified versions of geostrophy and Ekman theory, and zonal filtering, are used to isolate the large-zonal-scale wind-driven response. Weakening of the trade winds in any season rapidly weakens the TCs, decreases the zonal current shear, and reduces the amplitude and propagation speed of the TIWs. In boreal fall and winter, when the background TCs and TIWs are seasonally strong, the ocean response is equatorially asymmetric (stronger flows north of the equator) and there is evidence of rectification by the modified TIWs onto the TCs. The linear equatorially modified Ekman solutions largely explain the meridional structure and temporal evolution of the anomalous ageostrophic response in the TCs. In fall and winter, however, deviations from the modified Ekman solutions were attributed to interactions with the background TCs and TIWs. An observing system able to quantify the relative contributions of these two processes to the seasonally varying equatorial asymmetry of background circulation would require fine meridional and temporal sampling.
机译:赤道中部太平洋的热带浅层细胞(TCs)的特征是赤道上升流强,近地表风驱动的极向流,冷舌边界附近的下降流和地表混合层以下的赤道流。与赤道中部太平洋热带不稳定性波(TIW)相关的子午和垂直速度波动远大于与这些TC相关的子午和垂直速度波动,并且可以改变背景环流。 OGCM实验用于模拟在年度周期各个阶段中风向波动时,沿140°W旋转的电池旋转。赤道修改过的地球运动和Ekman理论以及区域滤波被用来隔离大区域尺度的风动力响应。在任何季节,贸易风的减弱都会迅速削弱TC,降低地带电流剪切,并降低TIW的幅度和传播速度。在北方的秋冬季节,当背景TC和TIW季节性强时,海洋响应是赤道不对称的(赤道以北的水流较强),并且有证据表明,经过修改的TIW可以纠正TC。线性赤道修正的Ekman解在很大程度上解释了TCs中异常变质反应的子午线结构和时间演变。但是,在秋季和冬季,与修改后的Ekman解决方案的偏差是由于与背景TC和TIW的相互作用引起的。一个能够量化这两个过程对本底环流季节变化的赤道非对称性的相对贡献的观测系统将需要精细的经向和时间采样。



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