首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Organizational and End User Computing >Placement for Intercommunicating Virtual Machines in Autoscaling Cloud Infrastructure: Autoscaling and Intercommunication Aware Task Placement

Placement for Intercommunicating Virtual Machines in Autoscaling Cloud Infrastructure: Autoscaling and Intercommunication Aware Task Placement


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Due to pay-as-you-go style adopted by cloud datacenters (DC), modern day applications having intercommunicating tasks depend on DC for their computing power. Due to unpredictability of rate at which data arrives for immediate processing, application performance depends on autoscaling service of DC. Normal VM placement schemes place these tasks arbitrarily onto different physical machines (PM) leading to unwanted network traffic resulting in poor application performance and increases the DC operating cost. This paper formulates autoscaling and intercommunication aware task placements (AIATP) as an optimization problem, with additional constraints and proposes solution, which uses the placement knowledge of prior tasks of individual applications. When compared with well-known algorithms, Cloudsim-Plus-based simulation demonstrates that AIATP reduces the resource fragmentation (30%) and increases the resource utilization (18%) leading to minimal number of active PMs. AIATP places 90% tasks of an application together and thus reduces the number of VM migration (39%) while balancing the PMs.
机译:由于云数据中心(DC)采用的支付方式,具有互通任务的现代应用程序取决于DC的计算能力。由于数据到达即时处理的速率不可预测,应用程序性能取决于DC的自动阶段服务。正常的VM Placement计划将这些任务任意地放在不同的物理机器(PM)上,导致不需要的网络流量,从而产生较差的应用性能并提高直流运行成本。本文将自动播放和互通的互通意识的任务展示位置(AIATP)作为优化问题,具有额外的约束,并提出解决方案,该解决方案使用个人应用程序的先前任务的放置知识。与众所周知的算法相比,CloudSIM-Plus的仿真显示AIATP减少了资源碎片(30%)并提高了导致最小数量的有源PMS的资源利用率(18%)。 AIATP将应用程序的90%的任务放在一起,从而减少了平衡PMS的同时降低了VM迁移(39%)的数量。



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