首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce >Determinants of EDI Adoption and Integration by U.S. and Japanese Automobile Suppliers

Determinants of EDI Adoption and Integration by U.S. and Japanese Automobile Suppliers


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This article examines determinants of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) adoption and integration in 76 U.S. and 93 Japanese automobile suppliers. The article constructs several hypotheses based on the transaction-cost and resource-dependence approaches and tests these hypotheses by data from these suppliers. Our study showed: (1) U.S. firms were more EDI-integrated with their customers, while Japanese firms adopted more EDI with their suppliers; (2) the resource-dependence approach seemed more effective in explaining EDI adoption, while the transaction-cost approach seemed more effective in explaining EDI integration; (3) the transaction-cost approach seemed more suited to the U.S. context, while the resource-dependence approach seemed more suited to the Japanese context; (4) EDI adoption had a positive impact on EDI performance in the U.S., suggesting the higher validity of our framework in the U.S.
机译:本文研究了76个美国和93个日本汽车供应商中电子数据交换(EDI)采用和集成的决定因素。本文基于交易成本和资源依赖的方法构造了几种假设,并通过来自这些供应商的数据来检验这些假设。我们的研究表明:(1)美国公司与客户的EDI整合程度更高,而日本公司与供应商的EDI比例更高; (2)资源依赖方法在解释EDI采用方面似乎更有效,而交易成本方法在解释EDI集成方面似乎更有效; (3)交易成本法似乎更适合美国情况,而资源依赖法似乎更适合日本情况; (4)EDI的采用对美国的EDI绩效产生积极影响,这表明我们的框架在美国的有效性更高。



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